Hi everyone, I hope you're well.
I've been enjoying Fallout 4 with mods for a fair while now-six years, maybe? And I've found and pretty firmly settled on a set of favourites that go in every playthrough.
Now I'm playing Fallout London- which is utterly brilliant, by the by- and I've got most of my favourite gun mods up and running with no issues- which is just as well because I possess the computer skills of a brain-damaged hamster that's been run over.
My all-time favourite assault rifle mod is GabberNM's AKM - Assault Rifle. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25152?tab=description Can't say why especially, it just has the best feel for me. I've got it enabled in my load order but it's not appearing at all. I'm pretty sure this is because it's only supposed to appear in the Gunners' levelled list and the F4 traders' inventory, which obviously don't appear in Fallout London.
I can't get it to appear with console commands; can't even find the right ID to enter. As I said, computers are very much not my skillset. In an ideal situation, it'd be added to a levelled list an appear on npcs, anyway. I know things are not always ideal, so I'll take what I can get. At the moment though I can't get a damn thing.
Can anyone help me with some advice about how to edit the levelled lists or I suppose, if it's easily done, how to create a levelled-list patch for the mod?
Any and all advice appreciated.