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About LilHagrid

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  1. Thank you so much for this!! My computer has crashed today and Im having to reinstall windows? But Im very excited, cant wait to try it out
  2. If it would help, I can send you 3 links to the files which Ive uploaded ready to Mega 1/ Hentaigale Armor UNP HDT 2/UNP BLESSED BODY- UNPB REDUX PROJECT 3/ A clothing mod called NINI If its ok Ill send you the download links in a couple of hours, Im my wifes primary carer an Ive a lot of stuff to get done this evening before Im free to get back on the computer Thank you again for your help solving this problem for me Kindest Regards Hagrid
  3. Hi ya Stealth022 I honestly have no idea how to use the creation kit , outfit studio or bodyslide I was hoping someone might be able to fix this for me The skirt/armor and the garter are different mods I’ve uploaded the two mods and the body I use to Mega if you or anyone can help Many Thanks again Kindest Regards Hagrid
  4. Please, pretty, please could somebody sort this mis match in my chars clothing? Her garter is showing outside her skirt? I know its not a huge big deal, but it drives me nuts!! Ive tried and tried to correct it myself, but when I try to install the relative programs, the install never looks like it does on the instructions/videos (Bodyslide - OutfitStudio) I have the relevant files/mods loaded up on Mega Is there anybody out there who could help an old fella?? Many Thanks Hagrid
  5. Hi ya All Is there any one that could advise me on learning BodySlide and Outfit Studio? I have some serious clipping on an outfit that Id like to fix? But not got a clue how? unless there's any one that could actual do it for me? Many Thanks
  6. Hi ya All Is there any one that could advise me on learning BodySlide and Outfit Studio? I have some serious clipping on an outfit that Id like to fix? But not got a clue how? unless there's any one that could actual do it for me? Many Thanks
  7. Hi ya Guys an Girls can you advise me? I've been using some mods from bcjackson I've tried to uninstall all of them both with Nmm and manually from the skyrim Data folder but for some odd reason they still show in Sky Ui but now I've got multipal listings of each mod even though the mod has been deleated
  8. Thank you for the link, most kind of to help me! It’s a very good artical, seems to lay everything out in reasonable simple terms a numbing like can understand When I first read about Tes5Edit I’d hoped the Automatic cleaning was a one button wonder fix but would seem not? Most of the mods I like to use are very old so I guess that’s why I’ve been getting so many CTD’s Thank again Reds Hagrid
  9. Hi all I used to cut and paste from my back up drive, saves of the entire content of the Skyrim folder to save on downloading and installing each/all my mods. But when after doing a new install it just crashes to desktop ? (It Always used to work like a charm) Now I canât even get the game to start? Iâd not played Skyrim for a number of years due to medical issues? Now Iâm back, but I just canât seem to get my head around it and so far nothing will run? When I runâLootâ after itâs done itâs thing it tells me thereâs all sorts of things wrong and it suggests I run âTes5Editâ To Auto Cleanâ??? In the help section in Tes5Edit it does indeed talk about âAuto Cleanâ and the user should creat a short cut to it? Question? Where do I find it, how do I use it? Will I have any hair left afterwards cuz Iâve spent a week trying and getting Nowhere!! Back in the day mods where download or not? Now itâs multiple choice with loads of choices as to what to down load so stuff will works but 90% of the time Iâve no idea if Iâm down loading the right multiple choice, but I certainly seem to a getting it so wrong? Iâm quite old, well grumpy, and getting the right hump! Is there any one who might be able to advise me on cleaning my game up so it will run? I need it to be in easy steps if at all possible? I tend to take so much medication these days I can forget what Iâm doing in the middle of doing it! But Iâll not be beaten by this! Before I became ill I could sort stuff but now I realise itâs way beyond me? IF some could help and old fella, Iâd be well grateful Please? Pretty Please? Thanks Hagrid
  10. Hi ya All Thank you so much every one that replied to my call for help!! Thanks to you I now understand Sky UI favourites menu, which will enhance my game play no end. Thank you again for helping me!! Rgds Lil hagrid
  11. Hi ya all Would it be possible for some one to either post a link too? Or explain in a very simple way how to use the favourite's menu for Sky Ui ?? I have tried and tried but can't seem to work it out? I would like to group outfits together with weapons etc but just don't know how. Maybe cus I'm old and cranky but I need instructions do this then do that there its working? I have searched and searched, there loads of stuff about how to install it etc but all the video I've watched says nothing about using it? I'm sorry if I sound dumb, but my poor old brain needs a tad of help
  12. Hi I am very confused? I have downloaded two very nice mods/Armours one called Pink Butterfly, the second Mod is also called Pink Butterfly (Black). But inside the folders the contents are identical in name? so it is not possible to have both sets of armour in the game? I don't want to upload them, I just want to use them for my self they can both be found just using google? My Question is, how do I rename the second mod completely so I can have both sets in game? I have tried renaming the esp and also some of the folders inside the textures/mesh folders but with no luck. I have tried to open it in the creation kit but spent hrs just looking for it but so far can't find it? Could some one possibly explain how? or even better do it for me? Many Thanks Hagrid
  13. Hi ya All Would it be possible for one of you very talented people out there to either maybe make a decent pair of Thigh Boots with a nice spiky heel (Aka The brillent Sky heels by electionis) or may be port over,(If allowed ) something like ; Min's Dark Illusion Armor Variant By Echo 1162 from Oblivion? http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12031 A few more modern clothes would'nt go amiss either, Shorts, (Denim) tops that sort of thing. We need some thing for days off, when were not killing every thing in sight? Thanks Lil Hagrid
  14. It would seem now the two mods will not run side by side now? Could they be combined?
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