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About furzkugel

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    Fallout 4,Elite Dangerous

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  1. Can someone do that , they are so annoying.^^
  2. hi,finally theres a mod to hide certain hud elements like enemy healthbars and questmarkers and more check out:https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/555
  3. yep it would be cool if you can turn on certain hud elemnts like minimap and quest markers......but thats not possible....you have absolutely no hud elements ....you cant even scan people anymore...its cool for screenshots though.
  4. lol weird,can you disable the healthbars now with the patch? I can. Disabling pretty much anything but the background chatter works fine. i mean the healthbars over enemy heads and police?its now possible to disable them? No, those you still can't disable I think. I mean I haven't noticed any change in that regard. damn...im waiting till a mod comes out or they patch mor options in to deactivate them ,then i play the geme :D
  5. lol weird,can you disable the healthbars now with the patch? I can. Disabling pretty much anything but the background chatter works fine. i mean the healthbars over enemy heads and police?its now possible to disable them?
  6. Could you please explain where one would need to add the -noHUD line? Where are the start parameters located? Thank you. go to your steam than right click on cyberpunk ,then settings and there you see a liitle window where you add these lines.You can right click on the .exe also and add it behind the cyberpunk.exe -noHUD
  7. lol weird,can you disable the healthbars now with the patch?
  8. I really hope it will not take 4-6 months. Sure there are bugs to squash that might be higher on the priority list. But honestly, how hard could it be to just drop in an option there for some more toggles on the HUD elements. It is completely trivial to do. I would even be glad if they could just give us an unofficial tweak fix on the side in the meantime by just adding in the option in some toggle in a settings file for us. Anything. haha yeah cant be so hard to add 1 or 2 lines to the config files for this options ....or wee need to wait for someone to find the texture files for the healthbars n stuff so we just replace them with empty files :P
  9. I tried this, the problem is that it removes everything though, including the interface to see loot windows or what you are picking up or to use the scan quick hack feature etc so it is not really usable :/ yeah i know ,i tried so much,but im not experienced enough to find a solution ,we have to wait for a good modder to do that or maybe they patch in more options for the interface menu,that would be great.
  10. -noHUD is awful beacuse you cant even scan people anymore it removes everything..... we need an option to disable the healthbars and other icons above enemy heads ...
  11. you can remove the complete hud by adding -noHUD to the start parameters ,but you cant enable things like minimap and quest markers n stuff.......that sucks. we need the commands for the hud elements ....
  12. Health bars can be deactivated in the menu right ? EDIT for below : forgot that 3dmigoto only works with dx11, so that's no option I guess I hope the other elements are just shaders that can be disabled with 3dmigoto, like quest pop ups, quest and shop icons etc. Only thing is that disabling one might disable more and there are some elements that you might need to play, like the little radio screen and maybe the hacking menu (dont remember whether thats a totally separate screen or a pop up menu ingame). But 3dmigoto has the option to toggle shaders back on with a button so that may be a way. If I have time tomorrow I will check. HUDs are sooooooooooooooo 2019 :-) no you cant turn them off in the menu ,its bugged or something they are still there ....
  13. yeah i tried so much to deactivate the Healthbars and other icons ,but i cant figure it out ....someone got it?if you change it in the config files nothing happens or the game crashes..maybe we have to replace the textures with empty ones so the elements dont show up?
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