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Everything posted by pdoan8

  1. I use Resource Hacker for all of the DGC changes. That's all it can do. I use ToolBoks for some others like gender and nationality distribution, disable cutscene, ... Very nice tool. Can use custom mod for UPK change too. For all UPK changes, I have to hex edit. I have not used modpatcher, so I don't know.
  2. My take on a few of the skills: - Deep Pockets: I see this as an unique skill for support, especially with default number of small item. An extra slot to carry the medikit (along with the usual combat gear). I would prefer it as the first skill. - Revive: another useful skill for support. 33% of 10 HP + 6 HP from the improved medikit = good as new (almost). - Gunslinger: I still want it for sniper unless the move-and-fire restriction has been removed. - Combat Drugs: still useful against psi enemy. - Extra Conditioning: not much of an useful skill, but a few extra HPs is better than none. Skills that I rarely use: - Damn Good Ground: it's rare to have higher ground with good cover, wide battle field view and need squad sight for range. Too much work to draw enemy to the higher ground. - Sprint: I like it more for assault (with shorter range, high damage weapons). Skills that I have never used: - Executioner: for most enemy, a plasma pistol with all foundry upgrades will do just fine. When there is no aim penalty (due to movement or difficulty level), +10 aim is not that much. It would be much better if it were +10 critical. In the Zone, Sprint, Close Combat Specialist, Run and Gun, Killer Instinct, Lightning Reflex: fast and deadly as assault troops should be (a bit over power with in the zone). I like it. Can it be modded to select from more than 2 skills? That would be amazing.
  3. I got most of my plasma from capturing weak aliens (sectoids and thin men). Mutons are tougher to capture, but one in every few abduction mission is doable. You only need 4 at the most. Plasma pistol, light plasma riffle, heavy laser and laser sniper is adequate before you can get more alloy for the weapons (mainly 2 sniper, 2 heavy and 2 alloy).
  4. Improved medikit heals 6 HP (50% more). Base on the foundry description, improved scope increases critical chance (not aim). Both work fine in my game.
  5. Zoom out. It works fine for me. Toolboks has free rotation which help more. Edit: ToolBoks is updated for the recent patch.
  6. Thanks. I was wondering if the game will accept additional nicks and plan to change a few not so good ones (I don't like to call my female heavy the "Hulk"). Another to-do item for next weekend.
  7. I would love to know if there is any solution for the grapple animation glitch. Similarly, when I switch the arc thrower to pistol property, the soldier appear to throw the primary weapon when throwing grenade. Also, I notice that the action icons are not uniform across class ability (ie 3rd icon is not always overwatch,...). That might be tied to action animation which got bugged if another action is added. I think "eAP_DualWield" means fire resistance property of the Titan armor.
  8. For the ammo capacity, I would love to have that information too. For the pistol, you can change the weapon property in "DefaultGameCore.ini". There are a couple modding tools that can do this. I use ResourceHacker. Weapons=(iType=eItem_Pistol,ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStandard,ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_Overwatch,ABILITIES[2]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[3]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[4]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[5]=eAbility_NONE,Properties[0]=eWP_Pistol,Properties[1]=eWP_UnlimitedAmmo,...,iWillBonus=0) Change Properties[1]=eWP_UnlimitedAmmo to Properties[1]=eWP_None
  9. It's a fun game but it is not the original Enemy Unknown (XCOM: UFO Defense) with new graphic. Probably not intended for the older XCOM vets. As said above, the first disappointment is the soldier load out: no ammunition? But I have to waste that single inventory slot to carry a scope or wear extra armor? Neither of those should be kept in the "backpack" during the fight. The Soldiers: they are like clones, but not as good as the real clones. I don't understand why SW "Not create equal" and "Hidden talent" options wasn't included. Every soldier start out the same, every soldier of the same class is the same. At least, the real clone soldiers won't suffer from mass panicking. Class: it is a fine feature, but too much emphasis without a way to influence make it hard to manage the fighting force. Either let me pick the class base on the stats, or it can be influenced by the actions in the fight. Even the load out is geared toward classes. One slot to carry either scope (sniper), or medikit/stimulant (support), or extra armor/arc thrower (assault) or grenade (heavy). IMO, the arc thrower should be in the secondary slot. It's a stun gun, isn't it? Scientist/Engineer: 100 scientists can't research more than one project, but half that number of engineers can produce most of the items instantly and perform nearly unlimited number of foundry projects. Research time is too short (even with SW marathon). There isn't much to worry about researching new tech which supposed to be the key to combat the aliens who possess far more superior technology. Some tech advancement are too close to each other to have any real impact (carapace armor to skeleton suit, beam weapon to plasma). Some tech should have been more restricted. I usually get beam and plasma weapon before I get the research credit for them. There is not much of the achievement feeling when I get something new. The only thing I worry about is getting enough engineers for satellite up links. This link to the story line and fixed alien appearance make the game feel too short. For me, the new EU can't even compare to XCOM Apocalypse, except for the aliens and the new graphic. The new EU is a quickie in term of game time compare to Apoc.
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