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Nexus Mods Profile

About MetaStorm

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    Czech Republic

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. That is... uhm, interesting, I would say. So, this 'side', The Nexus Forums, does not allow kudos and such, and NexusMods 'side', where modifications are located, allows it on user's profile. Quite strange, but I can get used to it after some time. I will do some research -not only- on this matter and attempt to not brake something in the process. Many thanks, HeyYou, for help.
  2. Oh, I see... Well, thank you HeyYou, for clarifying that. I guess I can use 'the classic way' instead : words.
  3. Thank you, TheGreatFalro, for welcoming me. My English skills are far from perfect, since I have learned it by spending too much time with games and dictionary. I guess it wasn't pointless. I have one question, though. Is there something as like button, or am I just blind? I know there is a endorsment button in the download section, but I don't see it here. I only ask just in case... One can never know.
  4. Hello all! I am MetaStorm. After long consideration, and stealth observation as visitor, I have decided to join the community. There is not much to say about me. I am regular dude, who likes music, writing, digital painting, and gaming. I came to this website in hope that I will find some good modifications for Skyrim, and the rest will maybe and somehow come naturally... I hope. Also, English isn't my primary language, and thus I apologize for any grammatical errors and misspelings. I am very new at this, so any advice and tips are greatly appreciated.
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