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Posts posted by MetaStorm

  1. That is... uhm, interesting, I would say. So, this 'side', The Nexus Forums, does not allow kudos and such, and NexusMods 'side', where modifications are located, allows it on user's profile.

    Quite strange, but I can get used to it after some time. I will do some research -not only- on this matter and attempt to not brake something in the process.

    Many thanks, HeyYou, for help.

  2. Thank you, TheGreatFalro, for welcoming me.

    My English skills are far from perfect, since I have learned it by spending too much time with games and dictionary. I guess it wasn't pointless.


    I have one question, though.

    Is there something as like button, or am I just blind? I know there is a endorsment button in the download section, but I don't see it here.

    I only ask just in case... One can never know.

  3. Hello all! I am MetaStorm.


    After long consideration, and stealth observation as visitor, I have decided to join the community.

    There is not much to say about me. I am regular dude, who likes music, writing, digital painting, and gaming.

    I came to this website in hope that I will find some good modifications for Skyrim, and the rest will maybe and somehow come naturally... I hope.


    Also, English isn't my primary language, and thus I apologize for any grammatical errors and misspelings.


    I am very new at this, so any advice and tips are greatly appreciated.

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