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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  1. In essence I want to use a different SWF file for interacting with a specific NPC/object. However as far as I can tell no fuction exists to dynamically use a different SWF (interface) file depending on a papyrus condition. Any ideas? Basically, I want to use one interface file when talking to one person, then a different one when talking to someone else. There can be a fade to black and if needed even a reload in between. Any help would be appreciated
  2. ...I can't believe I did not think of using OnEnterTriggers. I wonder when they trigger, it might be that the origin of the character triggers it, which would mean that only once the middle of the ship is in the trigger it would detect a collision, but that would be an easy fix. If having a lot of them does not hamper performance too much that is definitely a method which I could see working, I'll give it a go!
  3. Ah, it seems I did not illustrate my goal clearly enough, or I misunderstand your solution. I should clarify: We are not talking about a pre-defined collision here. Essentially the player is able to control the nif/ship manually, which works through the TranslateTo function. They can hit anything at any time. It is only a controlled environment in the sense that this is not in the Skyrim worldspace, and there will be no option to traverse that worldspace with anything other than that ship. I'd also like to extend my thanks for your help, not just on here, but on Nexusmods in general, I see how often you reply to people's questions, you've become quite the pillar of the community, I and others greatly appreciate what you do. I hope you become a Nexusmods Community manager one day (if that would interest you), you are one in all but name.
  4. Ok, so put simply: I want to translate a ship, but want it to collide with its environment. It's a controlled environment, so placing markers around where I want the ship to collide is possible if necessary. As you mentioned the collision passes through other objects, all but the player. This gave me the idea to create a collision pane using the same collision layer as the player, but that did not work. I have a new idea which I have yet to implement: Cast an invisible magelight at certain intervals, then use GetDistance to calculate the distance between the magelight and the ship, as the magelight will stop at any object. Then, just before the next magelight is cast, remove the old one. Essentially my idea works like a Skyrim version of a radar. When the distance between the ship and the magelight is below a certain number I would then stop the translation and add some effects indicating a collision. Since I have yet to implement this I don't know what the impact on performance would be though, and how exactly I'll get the timing to be perfect, since both the ship and the magelight are moving.
  5. These steps make it so it does not collide with anything but actors, that is my issue.
  6. As the title indicates, I am looking for a way to have objects moved with the TranslateTo function collide, either with terrain, or with a custom collision pane/triggerbox. TranslateTo removes collisions, but when the nif of the moved object is assigned the right flags the object does collide with the player/actors, however with nothing else. Do you know of a workaround which does allow it to collide with other things? One option I looked into was assigning a custom collision layer to the collision panes (the SKY_L types) to get it to use the actor collision layer, but either I am not using the right one or this method does not work. An alternative was to use the GetVATS functions to calculate distance between the object and its suroundings, but this too does not seem to work as intended, I suspect that this is because the GetVATS functions are only used on CameraPaths. Any help would be appreciated
  7. That is unfortunately not possible. If your actor is already defined you can simply make a dummy NPC with their name in Uppercase and use them only in that specific case, though the more performance friendly method is to just type it out the old-fashioned way.
  8. 1. You can simply select everything you want either by click and dragging your mouse over the items, or by using ctrl+click for for precision and then simply ctrl+c - ctrl+v in the other hearthfire cells. As they are different cells edits do not automatically carry over. 2.When you double click an object or any other type of reference a small menu will pop up, there you can see an unchecked box labelled 'initially disabled'. This makes it so the reference will not appear appear until you make it. However when you want to enable or disable multiple references at once you should use a different method. Place an XMarker in your cell and double click on a reference you want to be enabled. Select the enable parent tab, click on 'select reference in render window' and select your xmarker. Everything hooked to that xmarker will appear or disappear together, so when you for example want to upgrade the kitchen you attach all the new references in that kitchen to the xmarker (I recommend naming these xmarkers something like KiitchenXmarker for example) and then you simply enable or disable that xmarker through whichever method you prefer. 3.I have not worked with these pistons myself but their animation speed is most likely defined in their mesh. To alter this you will have to open them up in NIFSkope and alter them accordingly, but do make sure to give it a new name or else you will have changed all the pistons in the game.
  9. You can only make your file dependant on another when the other file is an esm (Elder Scrolls Master) rather than an ESP (Elder Scrolls Project). I recommend you take a look at this post for a step-by-step tutorial on how to circumvent that little snag. Good luck
  10. I figured out how to do this, and since no one seemed to know, here is how: 1. Create a script effect that only starts when the condition is met and when a global value is 0, this script sets that global value to 12. However first (it is very important this comes first, else this will not work), the script adds a different effect, the effect you want to apply only once each time the conditions are met.3. Create an inverse copy of the first script effect which only triggers if the condition is not met and the global value is 1, this script sets that global value to 0 To put it simply, create a loop that breaks itself and can only repeat when the conditions are not met anymore.
  11. As the title states, how could one implement an effect for which the conditions are constantly checked, but once they are met it only runs once until the conditions were not met and then met again? In plain english, I want to create a timed effect that is applied only once when the player is underwater (I detect this through a global value). When the duration of the effect has worn out nothing happens until the player exits and then re-enters the water, at which point the effect plays once again. So is there a scriptfree way of doing this or alternatively a script that doesn't impact performance too much?
  12. It works, thank you very much, this was a major roadblock in the development of what I am working on at the moment. You went above and beyond and included checks and features I did not think of. Kudos well earned.
  13. That doesn't compile, I've tried switching it out with IsSwimming and no results with that either
  14. I tried your version and edited to script to your suggestion but still nothing happens the script right now: Scriptname TBPUnderwaterCheck extends activemagiceffect import PO3_SKSEFunctions GlobalVariable property TBPUnderwaterCheckGlobal auto Function OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) RegisterForUpdate(5.0) EndFunction Event OnUpdate() Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() if IsActorUnderwater(Player) TBPUnderwaterCheckGlobal.setvalue(1.0) Debug.Trace("Underwater") else TBPUnderwaterCheckGlobal.setvalue(0.0) Debug.Trace("Not underwater") ;Add 16 times the detail EndIf EndEventIt's as if the script itself just does not fire
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