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  1. iSynth Android Customization has a ghoul skin option. At some point I will be adding more meshes, as well. I'm nearing release for two non-ghoul meshes now, but when I get to the Wasteland Prosthetics (the robo arm and leg) section those will include the ghoul skins. It currently supports the standard CBBE ghoul textures, but I will be upgrading the ghoul textures to Ghouls Revamped in the next ESM release, as well. There are some minor sculpting issues based in the LooksMenu Skin Override system, but for the most part you should be able to create what you want. Good luck and have fun. :)
  2. Okay. 1) The location of the morphs/faceparts in question are in a tab of the HumanRace form of the CK. There isn't really any editing that, but if you feel particularly inspired you're welcome to try. 2) The mod makes changes by script injection with the face, so it's hard to produce an out-and-out fix for the reset when I myself am not a scripter. From what I can tell of the script, any way, I'm not sure a function is included that would allow that. 3) Yes, the percentages alter both morph and shade, but they alter the shading a great deal more than the morphs - for the most part. Some morphs are more greatly impacted by the percentages than others, until you start to bring them down really low. The shading goes away much sooner than the morph does. The reason for this is that the game uses a base mesh for the face, and two TRI files. TRI files use the base shape and then a series of morphs called ShapeKeys. This is why the morphs are causing a shading issue; since the new face texture is introduced by script injection, the game wants to use the vanilla textures for the morphs when you introduce them. This is also why the script injection is resetting some features to the face preset default. Other than using script injection to introduce a custom texture in the LooksMenu, the only way to create custom face textures for a character is to go into the CK and alter what mesh that character uses for their face, introducing a new NIF that sets the string to use a different set of textures. This often results in a vanilla head somehow overwriting that face, instead (I am unsure why), which means a lot of the time you need to make a custom race for that character in order to use the right face in order for that NOT to happen. And if you don't do THAT right, it can introduce a lot of other bugs, depending on how you do it and what character it is. Because Bethesda made race mods for this game FUN. I know this because I have done it this way (see iCurie and iCompanion), and with script injection courtesy of Expired's "Skin Override" feature in LooksMenu. This has the extra benefit of also letting you use custom textures, including head textures, for ANY character in the game rather than just one. So, if you're feeling very froggy, you could try and see if adding the new "Unique Player" mod fixes the issue by copying the iSynth texture you want to use on your character and then using iSynth to inject it, and see if that fixes the morphing issue. I have my doubts, but it's worth a shot. This is my best suggestion for you at this point. Or you could accept the fact that you can have like 75% of the nose you want, for example, with very little actual difference, and enjoy the game. At least until you find a master scripter or someone else who wants to make something like iCompanion, which did what iSynth does but was WAY buggier *and* a 2 GB download. I have been at this a while, with the express purpose of trying to satisfy this exact request for ALL companions, and there is only so much that can be done within this engine. Though if you think you can find or do better, more power to you. I, however, need to sleep before my next shift. Good luck. :)
  3. I kept plugging at it, and I've found that when you change the Type, you can reduce the percentage (LB and RB on an Xbox Controller) and the shading issue goes down as well. So, as before, choose your Body Skin and make your face, but reduce the percentage when you choose the "Type" for each facepart and the shading issue should literally just fade away. I will be updating my description page accordingly. Good luck. :)
  4. I'm seeing an issue with it. You can't use different facial structures with it. For example: You can't use "Chiseled 2" nose or it will cause the skin around the nose back to the default skin. The only nose you can use is "Prominent 1". This is an issue I've seen with many of these mods that supposedly changes your facial texture to a unique one, but you can't edit the face to the way you want or you lose the texture. See my response to your other post on the mod page: Per the Description Page, choose your head preset and make your face FIRST, THEN choose your new body skin. In the future, I would encourage you to play around with a mod a little more before posting about bugs that are not there, or simply reading the Description Page more closely. If you had done so, you would have found the solution to your problem without making it seem to others as if my mod does not work. Thank you.
  5. iSynth Android Customization. Requires F4SE and Looksmenu. Change the character in-game to a variety of skins. Working on additional supports.
  6. Yep. I'd like to see a quest made available to nuke Diamond City. Maybe make it something you do on behalf of the NW Raiders as an end-game option. Maybe do it for the Institute. I definitely want to do it for the Children of Atom. Faithful devotee? Nah. I just want to be able to blow some s#*! up. Consequences? Nick Valentine, if he's there, survives. Piper Wrights, if she's there, becomes a ghoul. I'm feeling the Moira vibes. Danny Sullivan and McDonough? Toast. Epic Fail on In Sheep's Clothing. The good doctor? Toast. Epic Fail on the investigation into that botched surgery. Diamond City Radio? Silent. On a long enough timeline, everybody dies. Why can't I be the one to push the button and make that happen a little early? Diamond City itself, post-detonation? Like the Glowing Sea without those warm & fuzzy radscorpions. Let the Super Mutants finally take over and go wild. How? Sentinel Site Prescott. Let me pick up one of those nukes in storage that weighs 300 pounds and lug that bad boy all the way up there. Maybe have a caravan waiting for me outside the Glowing Sea to transport it to somewhere outside Diamond City, and I have to take it in from there (with opposition from DC Security). Then get to a safe spot... and BOOM. Thoughts? (It might be fun to be able to blow up Nuka World, too)
  7. I'm pretty sure the engine would not allow you to assign multiple NPCs to one object/plot. I'm thinking that you could probably do the thing with the calendar turning with turning the baby into a Child Settler, but that seems like something that would be more work than reward, especially when just adding some baby assets to a plot would do the job. Just my 2 cents.
  8. This may be less in line with the thematic intent of the OP, but what if someone made a Sim Settlements addition with a few houses that included a crib and the baby objects with some baby sounds? Between something like this and Child Settler mods it could really add a lot of UH-MER-SHUN. ^_^
  9. Lore-Friendly (more or less) and functional: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23963 Alternately... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24794 And a bit off-topic... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25513 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25337 Edit: I had not seen there was a page 2 before commenting (honestly not sure how I missed that).
  10. Find the texture for the helmet you want to change. If you want transparency: Delete the visor part of the texture you want to make glow. Fill it back in with a new "layer" in PS or GIMP and use a certain percentage of the "Fill" or "Opacity" so it can be somewhat transparent. I suggest around 25%. Save your DDS with Alpha properties (BC3 IIRC). Make a new texture from that texture with the visor part all in white or gray (depending on how strongly you want it to glow) and everything else in black. Save that in BC1 format. Open the BGSM material file for your helmet/visor. Make sure Environment Mapping is unchecked. In the Materials tab add a link to the glowmap you've just made under Glow Texture. Make sure Emittance Enabled is checkmarked and pick the color you want it to glow from right below the checkbox there. Also make sure Glowmap is checked. Save the BGSM. This should be all you need to do. Good luck. :)
  11. I believe that the folks at Road to Liberty had made a centaur model before everything was shut down (and by that I mean I think I recall some development photos being posted in Discord). The question is, if that's the case, why haven't we seen a mod for them since its unfortunate shut-down? :/ I, too, would enjoy seeing a return of centaurs, with a good lore reason perhaps being something as simple as the outbreak of a mutated form of FEV at a settlement. Attach a small quest to clear out the settlement, and BOOM. Centaurs on the leveled lists. Maybe after the folks at University Point failed to fork over the tech/info the one girl had the Institute decided to use it to research what an FEV outbreak might look like? The synths are still there just to keep the centaurs quarantined, but once you clear the area out that's no longer the case... Just a thought. Any way, yeah. Would be great to see centaurs make a return to the franchise, seeing as *they've been in EVERY. SINGLE. FALLOUT. game*... except this one. >:/
  12. I would suggest going about it a little bit differently. I would like to see an adaptation of the marker flags from Nuka World applied to the main game's factions. You know, the flags you used to tell the Pack/Disciples/Operators who got what park when you cleared it out? Those. So, now you have Marker Flags for the Brotherhood, Institute, Minutemen, Railroad, and a bunch of unmarked settlements. Throw a few flags in for good measure for other randoms like you suggested: Supermutants, Deathclaws, and other raider gangs (Rust Devils, Gunners, and the NW raiders). Make Sim Settlements develop the upgrades along themed paths based on what Marker Flag is being used. Add something to Annex The Commonwealth to differentiate between borders in case of encroachment from one settlement to the other. Give it a game mechanic to have the groups duke it out and make one reduce the size of the other. Give the player something to be able to control troops as they advance in any given faction's questline, and when you conquer a settlement you replace the flag with one of your choice. Now you can be the General or a Paladin and actually have it mean something. A true war for the Commonwealth. And for extra shits & giggles, someone could throw a mod in there for the Enclave to have marker flags, too. ... Really, though, you'd have to get Kinggath and 11100001010 (I have no idea of the actual sequence) together and on board with such an idea to have even the slimmest chance of making anything even remotely like this happen.
  13. The persistence issue remains, mostly with the face mesh/textures.
  14. I believe that Annex The Commonwealth does something like this, but moreso over time after you've spent the appropriate resources/built up stuff enough to do so.
  15. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23963
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