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  1. Really hope so! Hope SKSE works with the normal Skyrim.
  2. Yes, followed the instructions and also checked via the command on the main menu.
  3. Get this message in loading screen: "Racemenu Error(s): You are running SKSE version expected or greater SKSE version mismatch detected (57) Expected (0). Please reinstall your SKSE Scripts to match your version NiOverride plugin not detected. Various features may be unavailable. Invalid CharGen script detected (2) expected (4). Error Codes: (0)(1)(3)(10)" I have the latest version installed.
  4. Thank you. It got clearer for me now. Going to try again.
  5. What do you mean by being sufficient? It's really complicated for me atm.
  6. I don't see the four sections in the drop down menu. Only "mods requiring this file".
  7. Just started learning how to mod Skyrim SE. I managed to install one texture mod, but that did not require anything. All the other mods here have huge lists of requirements, and one in those lists again have it's own requirements... How is this system working and how to keep control over everything?!
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