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Oblivion Owyn dialogue stuck
tastatura replied to tastatura's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Nope I didn't use Oblivion XP Also, I have found this problem on the Arena wiki page (here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion_talk:Arena_%28faction%29), it also isn't answered -
Hello everyone, I just realised that this is better suited here than in ''mod troubleshooting'' since I have disabled all mods and the problem remains. I have a problem with the Arena quest. After completing the second fight I go talk to Owyn and he gives me a reward of 50 gold. He does that every next time I talk to him, the dialogue is just stuck there and I keep getting the same message and 50 gold all over again. I have disabled all of my mods leaving just Oblivion.esm in the mod manager, but the problem is still there. Is there any way to fix it? The problem with the Arena quest is that I cannot further the progress via console, because the next ''stage'' in the quest after becoming a combatant is becoming grand champion. All the in between ranks in Arena are not stages of the quest. and even if I do the ''setstage ArenaDialogue 50'' and it says I am grand champion, Owyn is still stuck, and it still says Pit Dog on my character sheet. So if anyone knows what to do, please help.
Hello everyone, I have a problem with the Arena quest. After completing the second fight I go talk to Owyn and he gives me a reward of 50 gold. He does that every next time I talk to him, the dialogue is just stuck there and I keep getting the same message and 50 gold all over again. I have disabled all of my mods leaving just Oblivion.esm in the mod manager, but the problem is still there. Is there any way to fix it? The problem with the Arena quest is that I cannot further the progress via console, because the next ''stage'' in the quest after becoming a combatant is becoming grand champion. All the in between ranks in Arena are not stages of the quest. and even if I do the ''setstage ArenaDialogue 50'' and it says I am grand champion, Owyn is still stuck, and it still says Pit Dog on my character sheet. So if anyone knows what to do, please help.
As the title suggests, I want to ask if anyone knows of any good mods that add arabian or persian style clothing and weapons to the game?
Mod that allows changing the weather?
tastatura replied to tastatura's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Thanks! -
I remember having a 'weather ring' which would ask me upon wearing it what kind of weather I want. It was working great, but I can't find it on tesnexus anymore and I've reinstalled my game so I don't have it. I have also tried the 'heaven's wrath' spell that lets you change weather but it doesn't appear for sale in-game. Is there another mod that allows changing the weather? I want this because it often rains in my game, and I'd like to see a clear sky more often.
There's a poster of a bearded guy in every town in my game that writes: ''Cormack Zealot- the teller of tales''... I'd like to know which mod the poster is from. Also, there's a second poster with the emperor in an uncle sam posture saying: the empire needs you!... which is a start for a quest of joining the imperial navy. My friend has it but doesn't know which mod it's from, does anyone here know? I don't have pictures of these, but I hope someone here has encountered these posters aswell :)
There's a poster of a bearded guy in every town in my game that writes: ''Cormack Zealot- the teller of tales''... I'd like to know which mod the poster is from. Also, there's a second poster with the emperor in an uncle sam posture saying: the empire needs you!... which is a start for a quest of joining the imperial navy. My friend has it but doesn't know which mod it's from, does anyone here know? I don't have pictures of these, but I hope someone here has encountered these posters aswell :)
Thank you for the info. I have managed to disable the luggage using the ingame Cobl options menu. Didn't even see that thing in my inventory cause I've got too much stuff, heh. But figured it out after reading the readme file.
Ever since I've got the Luggage, which is a part of COBL (the luggage is a sentient container that follows you around), I get the message ''too many followers!''... I would like to remove the connection between the luggage and my character without deactivating cobl, because I have other COBL stuff that I don't want to lose on my character. How can that be done?
Hi, my queston is can a CM partner companion be created using a character from a savegame?
I use HGEC v 1.21 and Ren's Beauty pack (not a body replacer, but it does affect appearance) I've tried to fix it by using matching high-rez textures for body and face, but no dice...
Hello everyone, I've learned there's a common glitch when some of the body replacers are used that makes the color of the head/body a different shade, and it happened to me too I'm looking for a fix, for a mod that 'smoothens' the transition between the neck color and the color of the body
Well, i use the 'SQT' command, which lists so much data that the actual quest id line is not displayed on the monitor, because it is the first line that gets listed. My question: can I somehow scroll through the oblivion console to see messages displayed earlier, not just the newest ones? The quest that got stuck is called ''Party Time'' and is part of a mod, I don't know which one though.
If someone would want to make this armor that would be epic. So if there is anyone interested here is a picture. You can easily find more material on warhammer 40k commissar or commissar lord. http://www.google.hr/imgres?imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--7jZ96GgqOY/TZs8qDKZAYI/AAAAAAAADio/x7-jowA5I-4/s1600/Cain%252527s%252BLast%252BStand.jpg&imgrefurl=http://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2011_04_01_archive.html&usg=__96T30SFBW9PsDE_XfwuE1IVAGA0=&h=500&w=310&sz=30&hl=hr&start=10&zoom=1&tbnid=tE_AAjD-TdsIaM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=81&ei=Z1XZTbDCNoPctAa4y_XtAg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwarhammer%2Bcommissar%26hl%3Dhr%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D906%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
Well, what I do in that case is try to isolate the problem slowly. First, copy your save games somewhere safe, so they don't get messed up. Then, first deactivate all mods and see if the game works ok that way. After that, activate just the first half and see if anything changes. If it's ok, then the problem is somewhere in the other half, if not, your faulty mod is in the half you activated. Continue expanding/narrowing the activated mods selection until you have pinpointed the exact one that's causing the problem. It's tedious I know, but it actualy can be done in about 15/20 minutes, and it saves a lot of nerves on the end :)
I had problems with crashing games all the time, because of too many mods installed = conflict issues. Try adding the oblivion stutter remover plugin for OBSE, and also downloading Streamline. Those 2 mods/addition helped my game so much that it doesn't crash at all even with 200+ mods. Streamline will even increase your FPS framerate and graphics. And the third and most important one: weOCPS, the ultimate crash preventer: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22282 Doesn't fix bugs, but keeps the game running regardless. It's essential. I hope it helps ;)
Hello, Well, the problem is a change of color that is visible on the place where the neck connects to the body. It's not an entirely different color, just a different shade of the same one but it's quite noticeable. Something like this on these pics http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38490-3-1305563483.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38490-1-1305563480.jpg I have a gazillion mods installed, so I've tried to pinpoint the problem to just the most obvious ones: HGEC body replacer, kafei's beauty pack, younger hotter NPC's, Natural Faces 0.95 After deactivating those, the problem is still there. Is it a known problem? Maybe it isn't attached to mods, but game video settings or something?