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Everything posted by scrptrx
Preamble: This is my first attempt at ENB installation. Be gentle, I'm soft and new. I followed, checked and rechecked nexus description guide and watched three videos. I had to do manual install. Check my profile for PC settings. I'm running on Linux/WINE/Steam and cannot use Loot or Boss (just don't run). I've manually adjusted my load order based on recommendations. SKSE works fine. Recent Skyrim install with few running script mods, mostly texture replacers w/o esp files. (Side note: in-game menu trigger and all hotkeys for ENB do NOT work, but the ENB is loading AFAIK because uninstalling makes the game look wholly different, pre-ENB. I'm guessing it's a Linux thing but idfk). Skyrim settings 100% ultra, MSAA/FXAA/Anis turned off in loader. Running via SKSE desktop shortcut. Relevant mods: hires textures for basically everything incl LOD; CoT, RLO, SFO RealVision ENB settings: Option A Medium, DoF off Here are some examples of the issues I'm having: 1) https://i.imgur.com/W0nEXtC.png & https://i.imgur.com/Uo2QOrD.png Ground textures are blurry but are actually hires. Similarly, many PEOPLE and clothing look like their texture quality was halved with ENB enabled. This is with 11MB+ diffusion maps and hires clothing replacers so ???.... Grasses, though not very smooth, look good in front of the camera but shitty from not even that far away. Trees are not smooth at all. One of the LOD trees is having issues but that's a pre-ENB mystery I'm still working on. 2) https://i.imgur.com/aw4Sd3E.jpg Things are very blurry and low-res in the near background. This is not the highest res road texture but the foreground is fine. A few 'yards' or whatever away from camera, the resolution is as if on Low settings! 3) https://i.imgur.com/lx1bqyP.jpg Some flowers look like paper cut outs, barely different from pre-ENB. Is this just SFO or is it me? You can also see the weird distance blur esp on the left-hand plants. more flowers: https://i.imgur.com/es11vMk.jpg (contrast with this bush which looks pretty good https://i.imgur.com/XC8slpd.jpg) Settings: Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini ENBlocal.ini ENBseries.ini Thanks to anyone who can help. I figure the blur thing is an easy fix but I don't want to blindly poke and prod at settings. The image quality is another issue. Things look too sharp to me, like there's no AA coming from the ENB.
odd female skin texture when in shade - shade setting problem?
scrptrx replied to scrptrx's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I told you what the fix is. If you don't want to search for it, either use the subsurface textures (the _sk.dds) from Mature Skin if it does indeed have black ones, or make them yourself. Or, use an ENB. That fixes it as well. I already said (though my language was a bit vague) the Mature skin _sk files are installed. They're little black squares. (An experiment replacing that with a pinkish one makes it look like any other skin mod with that pink glow). If the little black square is the best option then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Wish "install an ENB" wasn't necessary. Ah well. -
odd female skin texture when in shade - shade setting problem?
scrptrx replied to scrptrx's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm pretty sure the Mature skin has that black subsurface (_sk?) - it's literally just a small black square which may be why it lacks the sheen I sometimes see on Real Girls. I do manual installs. Everything's in their correct folders (been at this for years lol). The only additional files UNP needs are its meshes and those are obviously fine and not the issue here. I did notice one thing. I installed this fix for the Mature skin faces, just for S&Gs, and the same scene capped in OP image showed A BIT (and I mean a bit) more texture even in the shade -- because, I'm just guessing here, the diffusion file was twice the MB size (11MB vs 22MB). Soooo........ maybe, just possibly, it's a diffusion compression issue? If that's the case I might have to compromise between hires skins (which I already did for the body) and normal looking shaded faces. In any case yeah I think trial and error is all I can do. And if the pink glow is caused by default lighting issues then maybe I'm SOL. -
odd female skin texture when in shade - shade setting problem?
scrptrx replied to scrptrx's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Oh, I have all the necessary texture files installed, what came with base UNP and Mature overwriting that. That's not the issue. An issue may be something isn't loading properly, I don't know. But I haven't messed with those files. The images I posed are unedited, out of the zip files. The base UNP and Mature UNP have the same files, so nothing is extra or missing. The INI stuff is default, as far as I can remember, but just in case something wasn't default or correct I posted it, in case something about shading was obvious to anyone else. Because that's how confused I am about what is wrong, here. This is a very fresh Skyrim install, base and mods together. If it's not an obvious or known problem I guess all I can do is see what the mod looks like without any other mods installed, what vanilla looks like, etc. -
I've tried several female skin textures now and they all have the same problem except one stands out as unique, with its own problem. All skins look great in full light or indoors. The problem is when women stand in the shade. I don't know if this is the skin itself (normal/spec files maybe) or a setting in my game. I don't think it would be Climates of Tamriel, and I'm not running an ENB. This problem happens both with and without Realistic Lighting Overhaul and on both high and ultra settings. The first issue is with almost all skin mods (UNP, SG, Real Girls, etc). The problem is that in the shade, the skin takes on a red glow. This is different from the bronze sheen I see on Real Girls. It's as if the normal map turns radioactive. I think I uninstalled all skin mods and the vanilla ladies still did this (but I might be misremembering). screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/lNqK6uT.png The second issue is only with Mature UNP. The problem is that in the shade, the skin looses all depth and much of its texture. This is unique to this skin; I can't replicate it with any others. screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/kXlFXBO.jpg I have tried several things, like using other mods' spec files which does nothing, increasing contrast/brightness on Mature's VERY dim specular map, does nothing good anyway. This made me think it might be the alpha. I was reminded here that many texture files have an accompanying *_n.dds file and I have none in /female/ or /male/. But considering my men look fine without any alpha files, though perhaps a bit radioactive red in the shade (FAR less than the ladies), I'm not convinced. I have the ability to edit DDS files but I am just not convinced that's the WHOLE problem. If all skin mods are doing something funky in the shade, isn't that something to do with shading? I don't know what to do, so I'm here to get help. Thanks in advance. some of my ini settings are: (Skyrim.ini) fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048 (SkyrimPrefs.ini)
Looks like it will be incredible. Thank you!
well s#*! look what i just found http://www.modsfallout4.com/kd-ghost-ghouls/
The only reason I haven't played this game yet is because of the ghouls. Just like I found a mod to replace the zombies in Oblivion with skeevers (giant rats), I'd really love one to replace the ghouls in FO4. I don't care with what. Anything else lol. I was browsing mods today and someone out there decided to give ghouls a penis.... so.... perhaps someone can borrow that mod and just kind of replace the texture, at the very least, so that ghouls aren't gross. It's not perfect, but it's a start.