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Master Marksman

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  1. On-topic - you already have an effective 200% attack speed and you think they are going to give you more? Realistically, fighting with 2 weapons is actually extremely difficult - getting your body in balance and striking with enough force is difficult. Game-wise it should be viable but practical, i.e. being able to block but being slower than 200%. Off-topic - I think you should be able to block, but it would be unbalanced. Blocking 1 handed weapons is fine, but blocking a 2 handed weapon? No, simply due to momentum. I agree with Nate, that blocking should be the price you pay to hold two swords in tandem. You have the ability to attack at 200%, stagger your attacks, increase your DPS through perks, and enchant EACH of them, and they do not even have to be the same enchantment or weapon. Two weapons gives you the greatest versatility, and the game should balance the other options. I dont care whether you want fair gameplay - you are given a great damage advantage, so live with it.
  2. CrzyFool, or David Oshry, did it if anyone is still interested. http://www.ripten.com/2011/10/29/three-hours-with-skyrim-two-brave-bosmers-and-one-lying-khajiit/
  3. Well, if it does pass, apparently you can ask the company that owns the game/music if you can present it on Youtube, meaning the Bill does not necessarily impact us if we allow Bethesda to allow us.
  4. I still prefer the the older trailer, it gave an actual sense of the game. And whats wrong with the PC specs?
  5. There are only two functions for each hand - the tapped and the held. One Handed weapons will normal attack/power attack, spells will single shot/sustained. Combining I think does a flourish. Two-Handed weapons and Shields can block.
  6. I just love how its scrawled on parchment, with what looks like mead stains. Best. Dad. Ever.
  7. So a Russian Map and an English manual would....wait, what?
  8. I think these are real, because i have NEVER seen the image where the UI overlays, nice find. Here, have some Kudos :}
  9. Why wouldnt they. They are weapons, are they not? (although you cant smith them lol).
  10. This, especially the Light armor part, I'm sick of all the Heavy armor.
  11. If Alteration still has Feather, than I am definitely using it again. Feather didn't increase your speed but it decreased your decrease in speed due to encumbrance as well as allowing you to carry more. Alteration may also have the unlock spell, but lock-picking was easy enough. You should get at least One-handed, if you go up against a magic resistant enemy you'll need a "side-arm" so to speak. (And "Stealth" is sneak for future reference.)
  12. Nah, just have a good time, although if you can hazard a peek, check out some of the perk trees that havent been released, thanks.
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