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Everything posted by MarkusTay

  1. I edited the above comment - didn't realize you replied because I still had this window opened. There's the video for you.
  2. I saw in a video once (I'll try to find it) about this subject; if you move the workshop with the CreationKit, it will revert to it's original spot.. unless you do one little tweak. Unfortunately, I can't recall what that tweak is (it was some small setting, but necessary). As an aside, it happens that that video (IIRC) was also about Oberland station - maybe you can find it that way (I think it was about expanding your settlement size with the Creation Kit, if that helps). I had really bad luck with expanding my settlement size (ruined a whole play-through), so I never got around to even trying to move a workshop. Thats why I was watching videos of that nature. Good luck. EDIT: It took me a LOT of searching, but I finally found it. He moves way too fast and doesn't explain most stuff for this to be a good 'how To' video, but he DOES cover the script you need to add to make the Worshop-move 'stick'. - the stuff you are looking for begins around 9:00
  3. I was wondering this myself. I've been itching to modify some clothes, but I'm not entirely sure what the rules around that are (in other words, IF it still requires the original mod anyway, do we still need permission?) Its proper etiquette to ask anyway, but if its an older mod (and as I've stated, the 'tweak' would still require it), and your basically just doing some retexturing, is permission still required? Also, I would think there should be some sort of 'implied copyright' time-limit, just as there are with actual copyrights. There are a lot of great mods lying around here that are no longer all that usable because of all the 'updates' to FO4 have broken them over the years. I mean, if someone hasn't been around in, lets say, three years, then they won't be around (probably), and they just left their mod up (because if stuff was taken down, then that's definitely a no-no), it just means they no longer care about F04 modding. There was one in particular I saw recently, and someone in the posts section described how it can be 'fixed' with F04edit... but they can't post that fix themselves (just a how-to). That seems counter-intuitive, to me. Maybe some sort of system can be implemented for that? Post a 'new version' of the mod on the same mod page, so the original author still gets full credit? This would only be a factor in the cases where mod-authors have 'disappeared' off the radar. In that way, other community members can take up the torch and fix all those old (but still cool) broken mods. And if a mod-author does come back and says no to it for any reason, it can be removed immediately (not sure why they would want a broken mod to remain on the Nexus when they can just remove it if they don't want folks messing with it). Of course, I do realize a lot of that outdated stuff gets left here because people who ARE mod-savvy can use it as a modder's resource (cherry-picking the parts they want and making their own, personal mods for them).
  4. So I have been playing just fine and everything has been running great for almost a month now (new personal record?), and the other night I did something stupid (not that I thought it was that stupid at the time). I've been waiting for the Zetan Arsenal stuff to be half price on the CC; I have some money left on there from when I first got the PC version of the game, because I wanted the dogs, and a couple of the settlement building packages (including Elianora's Nuka Cafe, even though I don't really use the Cafe itself - I just like all the items she created that I can use). So anyway, the Zetan stuff hasn't gone on sale yet, but I noticed a faction paintjob was free. I had downloaded two other of those before when they were free (I mean, why not?), and also a pipboy skin (which I never used, so I never downloaded one of those again, even when they are free). I believe I had the MM and Atom Cats skins already, and I think the new freebie was the army paintjob (or maybe the Gunners? Are they the same one?) So it did the usual thing, and said the game had to restart for the changes to take affect. No problemo - have done that plenty of times before (I have a few other non-Nexus mods installed that are Beth-exclusives). Except it WOULDN'T restart. It crashed instead. And now it keeps crashing back to desktop every time I try to start FO4. I went in and took out the paintjob I thought did it. in fact, I removed the other faction PJ's as well, because I wasn't entirely sure which one it was. Normally I can trace back something I did and find the problem, but this time, I don't even know where to begin. I validated the files on Steam, and Steam says everything is fine. I just don't understand what is going on. It acts like it is going to start, and I see that info come up in the upper left hand corner of my screen for the ENB (which I've had for awhile so I'm pretty sure its not that), but then it crashes back to desktop. When I check Steam, it records the time as 'the last time I played Fo4', so it doesn't even know it didn't start. I've seen a few times around here others telling someone they can get a print-out of Fo4 starting up, so they can track the problem - can someone please tell me how to do that? I'm ready to give up, so this is really my last shot. After this happened I had given up completely (tired of spending more time keeping this thing running than actually playing), and I've been playing other (Steam) games the past couple of days, but I figure I'd give this one last shot before I call it quits. I mean, I feel like its not even my fault this time.. I was doing something perfectly normal - something you are MEANT TO DO - and now its borked. Thanks in advance... and sorry for my usual long-winded explanation.
  5. I am always puzzled how you even know they're being attacked. The 'Mamma Murphy Network' (what used to be called the 'Psychic Friends Network'). What gets me is, all those settlements that were already established and had people suddenly can't survive without my help. What did they do the last 210 years? I literally got Graygarden on my last/current play-through - and they even brag about how they 'don't need any humans' and have been "doing just great for two centuries" - and I leave and go across the map... and get a message that Graygarden is under attack. I had set up a few turrets, so I just ignored it. Turns out I failed that one. 210 years they defended themselves against EVERYTHING just fine, and I show up and they can't fight-off five raiders with pipe-pistols (because when I went back to my last save, that's EXACTLY what attacked them). So I'm thinking the whole Commonwealth would have been a lot better off if I never crawled out of that vault. Sure, the Minutemen would have disappeared, but its not like they needed them. No institute attacks, no BoS showing up in their airship. Not even those raiders over in Nuka-World getting all uppity and raiding into the commonwealth. ALL of that is directly YOUR fault in the game. So when you find that first 10mm pistol in the vault, just shoot yourself in the head, and save yourself - and everyone else - a whole lot of heartache. Heck, even MacCready will eventually go back to his kid (which he DOESN'T do because of you... he tells you how much he misses him and loves him and then hands the cure off to Daisy to give to SOMEONE ELSE HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW and just stays with you instead). You literally turn him into a terrible dad (not that he was winning any awards to begin with). So stay in that vault, you dang-blasted trouble-maker!
  6. I have a mod that adds in some Vera Cruz stuff - I thought it was from Tales of the Commonwealth, but there is another i have that does similar stuff and now I'm thinking it may be that one. I'll have to check. I don't remember a dress, but there is a really nice 'Vera Cruz Tuxedo' I like to use. In fact, I'm pretty sure it isn't TftC and its the other one, because it adds in a whole bunch of NV stuff (like collectible poker chips, etc.).
  7. Couple of basic things - you edited your custom.ini file, right? You need to do that before ANY modding. I am just going to assume you did since you say you watched a lot of videos. Next, make sure Vortex is pointed to the right place. Sometimes 'it just works', and other times you have to point it to your Steam folder. Since you say the mods don't show up, I am going to assume its pointed to the right place (because you are able to start the game itself, albeit modless). Thus, my next question is, "are you starting it through Vortex?" You have to do that - don't use the Steam exe. And if you are using F4SE then you have to start it through that (yet another layer), which means installing that into your Mod Manger (there are plenty of videos on that). And lastly - and I've run into this problem myself - make sure all concerned folders are 'writeable', NOT read-only. Your mod organizer isn't going to be able to save mod data if it can't write to the folder. Oh, and make sure the mods are 'enabled'. Usually Vortex will do that automatically (when you 'deploy' them), but I used to use MO2 and I used to forget all the time I had to actually enable the plugin even after I installed the mod. And even with Vortex, a couple of times I caught it having certain plugins disabled. You also have to run the game at least one time with just the Steam exe (I know I said differently above, but you only need to do this the very first time), before you start modding it.
  8. They should have showed that Minuteman statue at the entrance of Sanctuary half-buried in the sand... and THEN the Sole Survivor drops to their knees and says, "Oh my God... I'm back. I'm home. All the time it was... we finally really did it. [screaming] YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! OH, DAMN YOU! GODDAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!" Of course, that would only be amusing the first time... not the next 75 play-throughs I've done. :P
  9. The only problem with all this is that Kellogg is like a hundred years old - the guy who killed his family CAN'T still be around (Kellogg was was granted artificial longevity by the Institute). What you can find is his kids (also old at this point), and maybe his grandkids, at which point Kellogg might decide to "do unto him as he would do to others" and kill the guy's descendants (family). That would give you a new choice, to either aid Kellogg or kill him and save the innocents that had nothing to do with what grandpappy did (call that quest "the sin of the father"). Personally I don't like any option wherein you work with Kellogg - he's not supposed to be 'likeable'. He is a cold-blooded murderer. Perhaps if he manages to takeover Nick, or get transferred to a new synth body (I'm thinking 'hot chick' just to make it more interesting... which also leave it open for a new voice; I hear Glory has a basement full of old friends-turned-vegetable), he could strike out on his own looking for the murderer (because now having Nick's instincts he realizes he could have followed a trail of clues back then, but he didn't have that skill at the time). Then you have to catch him before he kills more innocents - that sounds more like where I see an furthering of the Kellogg story going. You go back to the Detective agency to find Ellie knocked out (or even killed, if you REALLY want to hate Kellogg), and realize Kellogg has taken over. You find yourself following the same set of clues that Kellogg did to find him before he gets to where he is going (the first clue should be right there in the detective agency). Then you realize he was heading for Doctor Amari's to get a new body, where you can find another clue (and perhaps more dead people). Where most FO4 quests have virtually no time limit, you'd have to stick with this quest path in order to catch him before he makes things any worse (constantly finding more dead bodies along the way, as you get closer - same as you did when you tracked him the first time). Aside: The 'body' Kellogg could get could be an Ex-Courser. i already have a theory that the female Coursers were decomissioned because they were more likely to develop compassion than their male counterparts (considered 'a defect'). Glory was one-such (she said she 'mostly did field work', spending very little time at the institute itself, if you question her when you first meet her), and some of her 'friends' from back then didn't take well to the mind-wipes (and maybe not all Doctor Amari's fault - the institute could have been erasing them for quite some time). Thus, not only does Kellogg become female, making it harder to find him, but he also becomes a courser - the only thing IG he admits to being afraid of. (so now he is 'super Kellogg' for some end-game fun). Oh... and make his mortal enemy General Mills... just because I love a good pun (well, a sort-of pun... its more of a play-on-words because they are the two top, competing breakfast cereal companies). Someone should say "The place is full of flakes... STAY FROSTY". :tongue:
  10. It usually needs to sit pretty high up on the list, and the only other thing you have before that is 'Spring Cleaning'. Now, I used Scrap Everything, and that has to go as low as possible on the list - I'm not sure what the case is with SC but I would imagine it should have similar needs, and since its the only mod above AK, try moving that down instead first. AC should be working where it is - thats where I keep it (right below all the esl and DLC, and just below the UFO4 patch). Come to think of it - I don't even see the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (unless I missed it) - that should be at the very top of your load order, and the only thing I put above Armor keywords. You play without that?
  11. I've seen a few 'finished builds' versions of V.88, but I usually prefer to build my own settlements. However, in the case of V.88, I would have preferred if we had some of the Vault finished for us. I've just never done anything with the pace aside from some limited building in that first cave and throw down some beds for people to sleep in (and plant crops.. which will still grow without sunlight, because, ya now... Bethesda). Come to think of it, they should have either forced us to build a greenhouse/grow-room (like they have in V.81... which is ridiculously TOO SMALL), or given us some new crops that grow underground (mushrooms, or some cool stuff bio-engineered by Vaultec). I'm actually on my way back there right now - I HATE having to do the quests with that DLC - they have ZERO replayability, but you can't just skip them because you have to unlock the stuff. I really feel like they dropped the ball with this one. We should have an 'auto-complete' option for certain sections based on blueprints we find/steal/hack our way to. I say 'option', because you could still build from scratch, or do the 'auto-build' and then tweak it to your liking. yeah... and DIGGING. We should have been able to expand in directions if we wanted to (they could have made it cost an enormous amount of caps, like how terraforming is handled in other games). And why can't I set-up a shop in that old drug store? That would have been awesome! Opportunities missed, and all that. That part should have been part of the exterior cell, so we could assign people to work there and make some caps (and have traders stop by). Can't do much with that manhole exit that comes out in the middle of all those Supermutants. Isn't there another exit somewhere? I haven't bothered with the other sectors since the first time I played-through this DLC, so I don't recall. EDIT: - I just checked, there isn't. We have three other 'sectors' to clear-out, but only get two other exits - there is something someone could work on; expand the one sector missing an exit and give us one with some above-ground stuff going on there.
  12. I have to ask - how could you have downloaded a mod that does SPECIFICALLY THAT, and not know it? :rolleyes: I have tons of things showing up IG that I never modded on purpose - seems like mod-authors leave a lot of their personal tastes on other things that have nothing to do with a mod you downloaded (I'm looking at you, DC baseball-uniform wearing guards!!!) Ya know, like, why does a mod that makes jetpacks better also put mini-skirts on radscorpions? (not that any do that... although that would be HILARIOUS) But in your case, you downloaded and installed a mod that specifically did something you did not want. Do you share a computer with someone? Thats the only logical answer I can think of. And of course you don't have to answer, but I just HAD to ask. Cheers
  13. To be honest, I've NEVER had success with 'batch build'. I build each outfit separately, by having someone wearing it IG, and then I go in-and-out of game tweaking the outfit in BodySlide. Its the only way to get it perfect, IMO. Especially 'short-shorts', or underwear (or other, tight-fitting apparel, like a lot of the stuff from the 'easy girl' collection).
  14. I am trying to figure-out ways to make kids more realistic, and there are several different mods that help with that, but there is no one big mod that does everything needed - kids of different ages and sizes, and kids being able to wear a lot of the adult clothes (I mean stuff like hats, etc, but you should be able to modify some VANILLA outfits to work with them). Kids should also have all the animations (they can smoke, but they can't run a store?) and dialogue like adults have. I fully understand WHY this is a tricky area, but right now, for me to even get a very meager semblance of 'immersion' with the kids, I have to use about ten mods. I want more interaction, and maybe a huge 'Children overhaul' that gives them quests and stuff (like Fridge-Kid, but better). Make them real orphans that you need to find homes for. I use Unique NPCs, which includes Orphans of the Commonwealth (although it works slightly different than the stand-alone), and the very first settler I had show-up at Abernathy was a girl - how perfect was that? They lost a daughter! It was like they adopted her... I only wish we had quests along those lines - make the kids more interesting than just the same exact child (with the same voices!) in different outfits. Also, who at Bethesda thought it was a bright idea that children can't use the same furniture as adults? What planet did those people grow up on? Kids can only sleep or sit on the floor in vanilla? I know its an Apocalypse, but seriously, even the dog gets his own house! Did you know he saw a Deathclaw once? He did! But it was far away... And mama Murphy killed one with a single bullet.... I no more trust mama with coolstory then the kid. Mama Murphy claims to have killed one, when just a short while earlier she 'saw' one in a vision, and had NO CLUE what it was. Still not as stupid as a 'sea monster' taking out ALL the Minutemen and claiming The Castle, and Preston thinking you and three nobody's can take it back easily. "I can hold a defensive perimeter, and lead my team in a firefight...". Ten minutes earlier - "A month ago there were twenty of us; yesterday there was eight. Today we're five." Preston Garvey = the poster-child of incompetence. What he doesn't realize is, if he NEVER sends you to any of those settlements, they will NEVER be attacked. Never listen to any of those idiots you find in Concord.
  15. Make sure all your game-associated folders are set to 'writeable' - it almost sounds to me like your game is trying to access data that is hidden behind a wall it can't get through (in other words, when you change cells or open something - WS/CS/container/etc - the game is trying to find the 'orders' on how to handle that, and sometimes some of that is in the .ini files, which are always on the 'C' drive, and Windows LOVES to reset any folders on the 'C' drive to 'read only'. And yesterday I had a Windows update, and fully expected another day of frustration... but fortunately it behaved itself this time. The last two times Windows updated on me it changed my folder permissions. Anyway, its a longshot, but I hope it helps you. Cheers
  16. I used to play on Xbox, and got all my mods off of Bethesda.net (that 'in game menu' you mentioned). That was easy - they are 'dumbed down' versions meant to play nice together on consoles. Once you come here you've reached a whole 'nother tier of power-gaming. Since Sept. I have been playing on PC, and been using Nexus. First off, I feel your pain. it is daunting - I was there. But its not really as hard as it seems so long as you are able to follow directions, and the F4SE 'mod' is necessary for a lot of others to function properly. You'll find there is 3-4 other 'must haves' that other mods rely heavily on (like AWKCR), but once you have have all that loaded and ready to go, the rest will become MUCH easier. It does become easier as you go forward... until you break your game. Completely. More than once, too. Expect that. I've found modding isn't so much as a way of making your games better, but rather, it starts to become the game. You'll want to see how much you can get away with. How much you can throw at your system before it goes on strike. Also, its fun to see how certain mods interact with each other. Sometimes you get unexpectedly excellent results from combinations, and other times you'll find your quests have all become bugged (be wary of having more than one mod adjust the same world space - you can, you just have to tip-toe around the quests - sometimes loading a mod after you've finished a certain quest just to get past that point). There's also a cap on how many you can run at once - around 250 or so (although there are plenty of work-arounds for that as well, like using esl's instead of esp's, or merging mods). You'll see. Welcome to the addiction. EDIT: I see you mentioned getting the game after seeing MxR's videos. I know he has started reviewing Lover's Lab mods - do yourself a BIG favor and stay away from there until you become used to modding. If you think Nexus modding is hard, you haven't seen nuthin' yet. That the 'dark web' version of this place. LOL
  17. Not related (directly) to your problem, but I had some texture/mesh issues with a bunch of weapons, and I see you also had to finagle with Weaponsmith extended, and also had to load the prerequisite mods (I truly hate the calibers one - WAY too many different types of ammo now). When checking the mod page I realized that I hadn't followed the instructions precisely - you need to manually download a slew of mods, and then C&P the textures and meshes (and sometimes materials and sounds) into you game data folder. You don't download them using your mod organizer, because then you'll get redundant esp's you don't need. So its a bit of work, but now I don't have raiders running around firing invisible guns. I probably won't use WE on my next play-through - a little too much work and way too much other stuff I neither want or need (and if you are missing textures/meshes for something, that may be where your odd bug is coming from). And those 'baseball bazookas' that the DC guards walk around with look incredibly stupid. Seriously... never again. :confused:
  18. Thanks for that info. I no longer want to do things that way, but I appreciate your answer. Vortex and I have a nice, normal love/hate relationship at this point. :tongue: Hmmmm... I HAVE been able to disable a plugin in Vortex - maybe its a case-by-case basis? I use Unique NPCs (which requires a LOT of 'hand-holding' and prerequisites, but is entirely worth it), and it says to disable the 'clean faces' esp from Better Settlers, and I did so, and I didn't get an error message (to my surprise). I had to leave the rest of Better Settlers active, though, and everything seems to be working fine (although my 'mix' of settlers is quite a bit different than my last install, even though I chose the same settings - perhaps its just 'bad luck' that I get about 60% female ghoul settlers). I guess so long as you don't delete the plugin, merely disable it, Vortex doesn't have a cow.
  19. Thanks for coming back and relaying that info, Jcro25 - I have been considering 'pack attack' for awhile now, but I can see that I would likely have problems with it as well (because the sheer number of mods I have adds TONS of new creatures/NPCs, some of which have their own new factions). As an aside to all this (in case I do ever decide to experiment), can anyone tell me which faction settlers are considered part of? The player's, or the Minutemen?
  20. I knew about those commands, but not how to make a script file like that - THANK YOU VERY MUCH Addikti - that is some extremely useful information. Did you know he saw a Deathclaw once? He did! But it was far away...
  21. ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can't really fly there on the ship - the game auto-kills you. I've tried. I have the same problem with the Marlboro Mansion, so I had to stop using it, which is a shame - its a very nice FREE mod that I had gotten used to having. But now the old clutter is superimposed on the pretty Elianora stuff. I thought it was being affected by my other mods, but when I recently did a reinstall of everything I loaded that first, just to see, but it was still broken. In fact... it stopped working right after that last CC content update....... :confused:
  22. I would never bother with Horizon - it changes so much, that nearly all my other mods would need patches, and that's a total deal-breaker for me. Bad enough I had to finally resort to VIS (I HATE it, but there are so many combined patches wherein I need the other things in it, that to save room it made sense to finally use it). @Undeadbob666 - but where's the fun in that? :P
  23. Rather than start a new thread, I have a question related to the topic: Can I install these presets without having to use an .esp? In other words, can I just take them and dump them into a folder somewhere? I haven't downloaded any yet, but I'd like to, and I just can't justify wasting an esp slot (and then i would have to decide which ones I wanted, whereas that wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't worried about mod-clutter).
  24. I addressed some of this in the 'FO theories' thread - I've had a problem with a LOT of IG dialogue, especially pertaining to quests. I've created a very convoluted 'conspiracy theory' that most of what is going on around the Survivor IS scripted... by the Institute. Or rather, by some shadowy-types that are pulling the Institue's strings (a FO-version of the Illuminati). Thus, when things seem 'hokey', its because they are, and as part of my theory, the sole survivor's memories have been tampered with, or even completely replaced with false ones (DiMa even hints at this). This way, even the aspect of your IG 'persona' not being clever enough to see through all the major plotholes gets smoothed-over. And the thing that first started me down this road was Doctor Madison Li - that whole interaction is a thousand times dumber than anything with MacCready. "Hi, I'm Dr. Li, and I used to work for the Brotherhood, but they were total douches so I left them. I came to the Commonwealth (no one ever explains how all these characters get around a dangerous wasteland so easily) and found the Institute - an insanely secretive group who NEVER lets outsiders in... and I joined them. This place is da Bomb! Not only is everyone so nice and polite (and not trying to shoot me), they shower! regularly! With HOT water! And I have access to the most amazing tech on the planet! This place is like a small slice of heaven!" "Hi, you don't know me at all - I'm just a dangerous outsider who does NOT bathe regularly and kills tons (and TONS) of people daily. I think you should rejoin the douchbags (BoS), and help us murder all these people you call 'friends', and destroy the very tech you find so invaluable" "Okay! I will! I may be a rocket scientist, but I'm also VERY 'special'......." "So do you need my help relaying out?" "What? Heavens no! We all come and go all the time - how do you think the synths or Virgil got out? I'll meet you there." So, YEAH... thats the main storyline... I would say written by a three-year-old, but that would be insulting toddlers everywhere.
  25. Actually, i have plenty of poses, its just a pain to use them - what I would truly love to see is 'mats' (like Invisible Furniture) that allows us to assign poses (and new animations) as idle-animations, so that the NPCs will 'just do them' sometimes on their own. Not sure if thats even doable - it would take some sort of scripting guru magic (I'm thinking a pre-game mod would need to be in-place, like Mod Configuration Menu, that would scan for new animations/poses).
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