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  1. Yes, I did find that. Now if only someone would do the same for Fallout 4 that would be great. I have zero modding skills or I would attempt it, I'm just lucky I have time to put into the game. Lol.
  2. Since starting to play fallout I've had the idea to play as snake eyes from GI Joe. I would love if someone could do this, Seems to me like the perfect setting to see snake running around in. An added bonus, making dogmeat into his wolf: Timber. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes this on, it would be greatly appriciated.
  3. Thanks for this, I'm some what technical (I do IT for a living) but new to the mods scene. this gave me a better understanding of load order and how the game processes mods. Until this point I've been letting BOSS have total control over load order and ran into a lot of issues. I had to abandon 2 characters and over 300+ hours of play, but after thoroughly reading this I have a lot better grasp so again thank you for putting this together. :)
  4. Do you remember Which one it was? I had something similar happen last night with the temptress race, Lunari and Ashen seemed ok. Temptress for some reason would CTD on the character creation process, and yes I also experienced the too much hair mods CTD as well, but I wasn't having my PC go totally south, just a CTD.
  5. Hmmmm Ok.... I have the local saves (and .ini's) and moved them to a different HDD, Leaving the folder empty. I did the uninstall, Scanned with Ccleaner, emptied the skyrim (install) folder location. I'll check the "stream backups" folder tonight, as once I installed the game and started a new game, all my old saves were still there. As I stated above, I'd rather not see them....bad reminder...lol. :P Thanks for the reply.
  6. I just reinstalled for a 3rd time, due to lockups, freezing, and etc. I've decided to abandon two characters and 300+ hrs of game play and start from scratch. My question is how do I stop steam from re adding the back up saves from their servers? I don't want to use these or be tempted to try them again. I've already wasted enough time trying to figure out what's wrong with the old ones and gave up. Thanks
  7. So I'm guessing I'm the only one ever to experience this issue, and I just start the long reinstall process tonight :( as it's totally impossible for me to continue playing like this. Thanks to all who read the post, and gave my issue some thought.
  8. Just had it happen again dragon encounter outside Markarth. It's circled me twice, hovered and on the next pass attempted to land. *BOOM* Crash....This is staring to be come extremely frustrating and becoming close to a game breaker for me. If anyone has ANY advice or anything I could try please let me know. Thanks. (I'm getting the feeling I am the only one who's ever seen this issue.) :ohdear:
  9. I've been having a lot of CTD issues recently while playing and hope someone can help or point me in the right direction. I just recently uninstalled/reinstalled and a good 100+ mods, (yes, BOSS is handling load order) and all was working fine. I've installed a few armor mods which were causing CTD (not from Nexus) which I have recently removed, and no saves were created after these mods were installed as they would CTD right after smithing and placed into inventory. Since then I started getting random CTD and game freezes. After a few attempts to resolve the issues I ran across This guide, which referred to mods having scripts linger after uninstalling. So I decided to give it a shot, All seemed fine and running as good as first installed, great FPS 25-30 outside, 50 - 60 inside. Then, I met first dragon spawn since the clean save process, just outside Whiterun near Bathing Beauties suite, and once the dragon landed I got an instant CTD. Since this was the original cause for me to uninstall/reinstall (done on Aug 30th), I decided to post here and see if this issue has been seen by anyone else here and what was done to resolve it before doing that again. I have deadly dragons installed and is the only mod I have running for dragons, I have tried with the mod enabled and disabled. It still causes CTD either way. Sorry if this post is a bit long winded but I wanted to put in as much info as possible. Thanks in advance for any help or insight into this issue. I find myself lately fixing this game more then playing. :wallbash:
  10. Are you wearing the Amulet (of Mara) when you talk to the npc's?
  11. Copied from another topic: a few other things I did Seems to be working for me now. Scanned for all virus/spyware/malware (I used malwarebytes, ccleaner, Kaspersky. Yes, all three) Verified the exe was running in Administrator mode (mine wasn't) selected "windows 7" in compatability mode. (prob didn't need to, but couldn't hurt) Replaced the exe to use the 1.6 version. I played last night without one crash. :dance: :biggrin:
  12. I can forward you the email taitai907 sent me if you want to PM me your email. Just an FYI, a few other things I did prior to the older exe. Scanned for all virus/spyware/malware (I used malwarebytes, ccleaner, Kaspersky. Yes, all three) Verified the exe was running in Administrator mode (mine wasn't) selected "windows 7" in compatability mode. (prob didn't need to, but couldn't hurt) Replaced the exe. I played last night without one crash. :dance: :biggrin:
  13. That's probably the case, since I did do the reinstall very recently. I sent you my email via PM, And thanks again for your effort. :)
  14. I have a similar issue, as posted in another thread Here, and this is one of the options I've thought of trying. However, while checking for previous versions there are none listed. Where would I be able to find them? I've had skyrim since 1.5 I believe, maybe sooner. Just as sintesse stated, I'm at my wits end as well. I feel google rolling it's eyes at me when I start typing "C++ Error Skyrim". LOL
  15. Well the update didn't work for me. Played for about an hour outside all was fine, but not two mins in the temple of the divines and it happened again. :(
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