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Everything posted by yamatohekatsue

  1. if you base this off the blood moon hunts Hircine does then you would get a handful of humans, elves, and beast races in a locked but open range they are pitted againsst each other as well as animals and werewolves. using the releastic needs and diseases mod your character will die of thirst and hunger combined with frost fall your character needs to build shelter and keep warm or die of hypothermia. there are mods that make the npcs also bundle up seek shelter and try to keep warm though idk if they can die of starvation or hypothermia as far as making the npc's eat food i would look into skriping something that makes them eat and drink to regain health/stamina/magica instead of using potions if you set this up hunger games style then keeping with Hircine's lore he would reward winners of the fights with items of power (enchanted artifacts) and your arena could be a custom navemeshed valley with a thick dence forrest river and a few caves the hard part would be trying to make it all without load doors
  2. i tried to tincker in the creation kit bot my lap top overheats when i use it so i guess this will be an official request that maby some one can build this
  3. hey there guys i was wanting to ask and fInd out how difficult would it be to build a player home near riften or whiterun that has no load doors and is compatable with frostfall. im trying to make an imersive house or find someone that knows how to make one. i would like it to be small and serine bult on a farm where wheat potatos leeks garlic cabbage all grow and respawn. if possible i would love it to be built in a vally or other secluded place that isnt far from the 2 cites i use the most: Whiterun or Riften. Im wanting to learn how to mod and try to make something like this. because i play as a werewolf kajiit that is a thief/rouge who enjoys the company of a pack but at the same lime tries to live a quiet life close to a main hold that he can explore the city when he needs to work on contracts but is also has a safe haven for himself and his pack my over all goals for this vally home is to have no load doors other then the first to enter the vally frostfall compatable lore friendly shrine to Hercine pleanty of wild game to hunt: foxes, hares, elk, deer, bear. But no wolves pleanty of room for my pack (4-5 npcs) idles for the npcs: places for them to sit and talk, eat, sleep, chop wood, read, dance and party non hostle wolves that roam and hunt in the area a small fishing camp a blacksmith, tanning, and potion making area (im not a mage and would rather go to a main hold to buy enchantments) small treasure space to put the ring of Hircine the saviors hide and the Blessed Rings of Hircine i was thinking a hand like an npc merchant whos hut is set up like a kajiit caravan that sells: weapons hunting goods and the general kajiit items like gems moon sugar and skooma i want the place to look like a home while not being over the top ive always liked the idea of eldergleem sanctuary or bloated man's grotto as base areas for the player home
  4. maby have a necromancy Spell that lets you summon one? or what about a "drauger" werewolf
  5. would it even be possible to have a mod let a werewolf and only a werewolf wear 2 of the 5 werewolf rings and the savior's Hide? seeing as these are werewolf items and 4 of the rings give special effects to the player if worn before transforming I thought how the Savior's Hide is an armor made from the pelt of a werewolf that it should fit a werewolf naturaly and provide protection as well as wereing the ring of Hircine and one of the other rings.... to transform more then once a day or just have two of the other rings and have one transformation that is more powerful and on a 2nd note i remember in bloodmoon along with the Ring of Hircine you could get one of three werewolf items Spear of the hunter: it had Paralyze for 10sec on Touch Burden 50pts for 10 seconds on Touch and poison 4pts for 5sec on Touch Hunter's Amulet of Speed: it had Fortify Speed 10 pts on Self Fortify Acrobatics 15 pts on Self and Athletics 15 pts on Self Hunter's Amulet of Strength: it had Fortify Strength 10 pts on Self and Fortify Attack 15 pts on Self would it also be possible to add items like these above who also can only be used by werewolves when they transform? I only ask this because I have started to play ledgendary Difficulty and I noticed how about 80% of the time if I use my transformations when there is more then 2 people my lvl 80 seems to get my butt handed to him yet if I dont transform I can mop the floor with 5+ people with minimal threat *edit: Im not wanting the Spear of the hunter to be used when the werewolf transforms but its power only work for a werewolf. I have little to no modding experiance and have only tinkered with making a few spells when I played as a mage only charater back when the creation kit was releaced. Im assuming to have the effects apply to the transformed werewolf I would need to use SKSE or something but again Im unsure how and was hoping some one would be willing to either make this mod and host it on Nexus or help me make it and I host it. I know there are tons of werewolf enhancement mods some I really like but none seem to touch the lore of how Hercine made these items to help make werewolves more powerfull while the vanilla versions dont do too good of a job
  6. it works in all Dificulty just hit spacebar when selecting a maxed out skill, but it is built for ledgendary mode
  7. yea it sucks they Nerfed alot of the good Dreadra like the Spider Deadra, Scamps, Hungers, Golden Saints, and Clannfear I always felt that even though to Doors to Oblivion have been shut that they didnt have to remove the best Monsteres
  8. and before anyone says this should go in the mod request area Im asking if making this is even possible or what would i have to do to make it
  9. as far as mods go are you looking for a follower who is a Jack of all trades that had no true best stat, or are you gona have Speciallized Followers? or lastly play without help? becaue I Have ideas for Followers you may like and ideas for the 3Crafting skills
  10. so for the first time in almost a year I chose to play Oblivion and I noticed that I had the Staff of Everscamp on me, for those who never found it. Its a Cursed staff that caused Four Neutral Scamps to be spawned around the player now the scamps will only attack things that attack them, Including the player. He who Holds the staff May not releace it unless a willing person takes it or buys it or it is returned to a shrine of Sheogorath, it has no attack abilities and only causes the person holding it to have the scamps, while holding the staff a person moves 10%-ish slower then normal. The advantage is the scamps dont count as party members so you can still have a follower. I loved the idea of this Cursed weapon created by the mad god and was wondering if something like this would be possible to make seeing how there are permenant versions of the summon Atronach spells I was hoping an Item like this wouldnt be to hard to make Below is a Picture of the staff and before the curse binds the staff to the user it must be "used" first if some onw wouldnt mind trying to make it I think it would be a wonderful mod for Skyrim I know there are people who are trying to make the Oblivion artifacts and the Marrowind ones but no one seems to have made this one yet
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