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Everything posted by DarkChocolateBunny

  1. I also have the same issue, any mod that changes the main menu makes the game soft lock and I hope there is a fix or work around.
  2. I have waited a long time to see if anyone would make this, but I suppose in hindsight I should have simply asked this sooner, hoping some skilled and enthusiastic modder will give this a genuine shot. Maybe have several color options through the armor modification bench and the ability to add railroad armoring to it/them?
  3. I'm surprised this doesn't already exist given that we have tons of aliens roaming Tamriel now thanks to our modding community, so I thought it was time to have the Asari bioticaly smash their way into Nirn. What I'm requesting for the race is, Custom race, CBBE compatible, custom head, body, hands, and feet cause they have a almost geometric "scales" pattern to their skin from head to toe, as well as a very subtle shine or slick appearance to their skin, It's a lot of work, I know, but I hope someone will rise to the challenge of creating this incredible race. Seems it will go well with a mod I recently noticed that adds Biotic "spells" to Skyrim. I have included a image to show the once primitive and tribal Asari that shows they do sorta fit the Skyrim old world theme, and sadly the full 3d renderings of Asari online that showcase their unique skin and head mesh is to large to upload to this post, but a simple search will bring up plenty of them. Good luck, I'm hoping to see a response for this soon!
  4. So after spending almost a month hunting down mods and a little work myself I've managed to make my redguard main character as free roaming and tribal-ish as I can, but I like jewelry to fancy myself up :sad: so I'm asking for help from our jewelry modders on here to make a set of, earrings - neckrings - wrist bangles - anklets - rings, all gold. please help! the dragonborn is in need! :ohmy:
  5. Skyrim has plenty of cheese and a deadric lord who loves it! so....make it happen! :ohmy:
  6. I noticed that there is a mod that adds the KH keyblades & moon to Skyrim, so I'm begging my fellow Kingdom Hearts fans to make the unique instantly recognizable Organization 13 outfits for Skyrim.
  7. I have a missing ocean square too (near the solitude light house ) I have no idea why it's missing but I suspect all the extra "made from scratch" or "in game textures" have to come from somewhere. but that's just my opinion. hope there's a fix for your problem.
  8. After searching endlessly I'm disappointed to find out that there's no Twi'lek race to go with all the many star wars mods, Oblivion has one so I'd like to request one be made for Skyrim too! It should not be to hard all that's really needed is a "head" to be made since body/ face color can be changed (to the more vibrant rainbow collection twi'leks have) with character edit enhancing mods.
  9. hmmm you do knw this site has minor's on it?, it's the reason the rest of us can not (curse, talk about or ask for 18+ mods, ect.) and on top of that no Steam no FNV it was made exclusive for the Steam network, so there is no way you could have *bought* and played that without using Steam.
  10. from what i'm looking at there should not be any problem's perhap's it's the game iit self are you using the same one?
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