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Everything posted by ElmoTheMuppet

  1. 11. Your INI files may have been edited incorrectly. - Backup your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini (located in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/) - Make sure both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini are no longer in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/ . - Run the Skyrim Launcher and it will regenerate new Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files. 12. There maybe some errors occurring silently in the background while your trying to play. - Click on the Start menu and type the following into the search box: Event Viewer - Press Enter - Maximize the Event Viewer window so you can see everything clearly. - Near the top, look at the section that looks like the following: http://i.imgur.com/x6F6Zkn.png Event Type +Critical +Error +Warning - You want to start from top to bottom: Critical --> Error --> Warning - If your computer ever shut off during a power outage, it will be logged in the Critical section. - BEX or AppHangB1 type crashes will be logged in the Error section. Picture A: http://i.imgur.com/M2dVUS8.png Picture B: http://i.imgur.com/bORmg2t.png - In Picture B, if you go through the list, you will find other errors and some of them may not mention TESV.exe. - However, you may find that those other errors are occurring around the time of your crashes. Picture C: http://i.imgur.com/9sKm1P0.png - In my case, Picture C shows the culprit of most of my crashes. igfxCUIService.exe was looking for my CPU's integrated graphics but failed due to the integrated graphics being disabled in my BIOS. - Your situation may be different, but keep an eye on the Event Viewer as it may be the key to solving some of your weird crashes.
  2. 10. Playing with a controller / gamepad / XBox 360 controller connected to a faulty USB port. - Try disconnecting your controller / gamepad from your computer, or connect it to a different USB port (a USB port closer to the motherboard maybe preferable).
  3. 9. A corrupted file, save or mod. - There is a chance that while you were attempting to download files or mods, the quality of the connection between you and the server may have messed up your download. Sometimes it isn't the connection. The server that was hosting your file may have experienced physical damage to their hardware, or some software related issue that lead to the corruption of the hosted file(s). You may need to re-download your file from a different server location, and possibly avoid your mod manager's download manager, just in case.
  4. Hi, I want to share some tips that can help reduce or possibly eliminate the BEX event crashes experienced by some users. One or more of the solutions below may solve some of the AppHangB1 type crashes. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX Application Name: TESV.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 51437ce5 Fault Module Name: TESV.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 51437ce5 Exception Offset: 00b53759 Exception Code: c0000417 Exception Data: 00000000 OS Version: 6.1.7601. ------------------------------------------------- The solutions that I'm posting have been tested in the following environment: .Game: Skyrim Legendary Edition (Steam Purchased) .Operating System used: Windows 7 Pro 64bit (Aero Enabled) .CPU used: i7 4790k .Graphics Card used: Nvidia GTX 970 .RAM capacity: 8GB .Number of Monitors: 2 (Gaming only on primary monitor) .Location of Steam games (Including Skyrim) directory: Installed outside of Program Files directory (Separate drive) .Mod Manager used: Mod Organizer .Video Mode used: Borderless Fullscreen (aka Fullscreen Windowed) .ENB used: ENBoost only .Sheson Memory Patch Method: SSME .SKSE is installed (Memory Patch disabled) *Note* Here are the executables I use often with Skyrim: ModOrganizer.exe , skse_loader.exe , TESV.exe , SkyrimLauncher.exe , enbhost.exe , LOOT.exe - none of these executables are running in compatibility mode for an older operating system or environment settings. - During the testing, there were times where I had difficulty to reproduce the crash, so I had OBS running in the background to increase those occurrences(via x264 encoding stress on CPU). Possible Solutions: 1. This solution has been posted before by other users: Add TESV.exe to DEP (Data Execution Prevention) exclusion list. - Click on Start Menu -> Right click on Computer --> Click on Properties --> Click on Advanced system settings --> Click on "Advanced" tab --> Under "Performance" click on Settings --> Click on "Data Execution Prevention" tab --> Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" --> Then add TESV.exe to the list. - Since I was desperate, I tried to add all the executables I can find within the Skyrim directory to the list (enbhost.exe etc. but some of them can't be added). 2. Since my Steam Games library was installed on a separate drive, there is no need to run the executables as an administrator. - I had to remove those privileges from ModOrganizer.exe , TESV.exe, skse_loader.exe, SkyrimLauncher.exe, enbhost.exe. - If you need to troubleshoot with administrative privileges, go ahead. Just remember to revert back when you're finished, or leave it as it is, if it's working properly. 3. I recommend adding your Steam Games Library (Skyrim included) to your antivirus exceptions/ignore list. 4. You should use Sheson Memory Patch. - If you're not an SKSE user, install SSME. - If you're an SKSE user, you can activate the Sheson Memory Patch via an SKSE.ini. - If you're an SKSE user and you don't like SKSE.ini method, install SSME. 5. Double check your Plugin Load Order and your Mod Install Order. - LOOT is great at sorting Load Order, but there maybe times where a mod plugin may not be in the best place. Make sure to read mod description for proper load order. - Certain mods like HDT Physics and XPMSE (Skeleton Mod) should be installed carefully: # Install Order: first .SKSE ..... .HDT Physics Extension ..... .Body type (Example: CBBE) last .Skeleton (Example: XPMSE) ------------------------------------------ .Example Install Order: https://i.imgur.com/q6Q5GHt.png .Example Install Order (other mods installed): https://i.imgur.com/mq24zov.png 6. Disable any overlay programs or screen capture app. (Example: Nvidia Shadowplay, Bandicam, XSplit, Fraps, MSI Afterburner, OpenBroadcasterSoftware) 7. Update your graphics driver or Directx End-user Runtime 8. Don't pirate. 9. A corrupted file, save or mod. *Edit* - There is a chance that while you were attempting to download files or mods, the quality of the connection between you and the server may have messed up your download. Sometimes it isn't the connection. The server that was hosting your file may have experienced physical damage to their hardware, or some software related issue that lead to the corruption of the hosted file(s). You may need to re-download your file from a different server location, and possibly avoid your mod manager's download manager, just in case. 10. Playing with a controller / gamepad / XBox 360 controller connected to a faulty USB port. - Try disconnecting your controller / gamepad from your computer, or connect it to a different USB port (a USB port closer to the motherboard maybe preferable). 11. Your INI files may have been edited incorrectly. - Backup your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini (located in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/) - Make sure both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini are no longer in Documents/My Games/Skyrim/ . - Run the Skyrim Launcher and it will regenerate new Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files. 12. There maybe some errors occurring silently in the background while your trying to play. - Click on the Start menu and type the following into the search box: Event Viewer - Press Enter - Maximize the Event Viewer window so you can see everything clearly. - Near the top, look at the section that looks like the following: http://i.imgur.com/x6F6Zkn.png Event Type +Critical +Error +Warning - You want to start from top to bottom: Critical --> Error --> Warning - If your computer ever shut off during a power outage, it will be logged in the Critical section. - BEX or AppHangB1 type crashes will be logged in the Error section. Picture A: http://i.imgur.com/M2dVUS8.png Picture B: http://i.imgur.com/bORmg2t.png - In Picture B, if you go through the list, you will find other errors and some of them may not mention TESV.exe. - However, you may find that those other errors are occurring around the time of your crashes. Picture C: http://i.imgur.com/9sKm1P0.png - In my case, Picture C shows the culprit of most of my crashes. igfxCUIService.exe was looking for my CPU's integrated graphics but failed due to the integrated graphics being disabled in my BIOS. - Your situation may be different, but keep an eye on the Event Viewer as it may be the key to solving some of your weird crashes. This topic is work in progress. If you come across any other solutions, post them here. To be continued...
  5. I'm not sure if this has been requested before, but I would really like to hear the detected sound when the dragonborn is discovered by enemies. The cherry on top would be placing an exclamation point above the heads of enemy npcs xD. Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
  6. Hi! I just wanted to post a few options you can try that will utilize your hardware encoder on your gpu to reduce fps drop while recording gameplay. Nvidia Shadowplay (Free, comes with bloatware) -Geforce Experience is a bit buggy and causes instability for some systems and applications (should be improved in the coming year). MSI Predator (Free, comes with gpu monitoring software) -Included in MSI Afterburner. It can utilize the same encoder used by Shadowplay or Intel's quicksync. (If using an ENB, you may need to use the injector version) OBS Beta (Free) -This is the classic edition of OBS that includes Shadowplay's Nvenc and Intel's quicksync encoding. (Appears to work well with ENB wrapper in both Game Capture and Window Capture mode) -Allows for live streaming. -The OBS MP version is a rewritten version that supports platforms like Windows, Linux and Mac, but doesn't have hardware encoding yet. ENB works in Window Capture mode) Bandicam (Free Trial) - Similar to OBS Since you have an i7, you may like the x264 encoding for high quality recordings with OBS Beta or MP.
  7. And yet you're perfectly fine with a keylogger and something constantly collecting information by means of a webcam or microphone, without any way to disable it, control what information it transmits, or knowing if the methods of this transmission are even secure. Nevermind the very little disclosure related to how this information will be used beyond making Cortana work better and alerting local law enforcement if something you did or type was illegal. Everything logs this stuff now. Get wit the times. "Get wit the times." This may not be good advice for people working or volunteering in health care (HIPAA), families under WITSEC, Spec Ops vets, journalists, Child Care Centers, local law enforcement or Neightborhood Watch communities. But people like MotoSxorpio and I just want to enjoy the technologies available, so we don't have much to worry about. However, the other people who are taking this "too seriously", let them take it seriously. It won't hurt us, but may be a bit annoying lol. It will be beneficial down the road in software development.
  8. Thank you, obobski. You explained that very well. I wish there were thank you buttons so I don't have to bump topics everywhere.
  9. I was wondering if anyone has a setup that has their primary display using their dedicated gpu and their second display using their iGPU (integrated graphics on the cpu) and have games only running on the primary display. How is the performance compared to having both displays running on the dedicated gpu? Does your dedicated gpu have lower temps while idle or gaming, with this setup? Do games running on the primary display have higher minimum frame rate, with this setup? Any known issues with this setup? Does it depend on the type of iGPU being used?
  10. Some reviews seem to suggest that the performance gain will be substantial compared to Dx11: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2900814/tested-directx-12s-potential-performance-leap-is-insane.html "Microsoft and Futuremark gave us early access to the latest 3DMark test, which lets us measure just how much more efficient Microsoft's Windows 10-only gaming API is than its predecessor, and whoa mama, does it perform. But before we get too carried way and the hype train leaves the station with a big toot toot, remember that this is a theoretical test, and not based on an actual game engine." - Gordon Mah Ung (Executive Editor, PCWorld) Mar 26, 2015 6:00 AM We will have to wait and see the real deal, which shouldn't take too long. I'm surprised people are still using Skype.
  11. Nvidia and AMD have recently released drivers for Windows 10. Hopefully we will see some better benchmarks soon. Nvidia driver information: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/geforce-353-62-windows-10-driver-download.html AMD driver information: http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/amd-catalyst-15-7-1-driver-download.html
  12. Hi! The users here who have tried or will try Windows 10, would you mind sharing what your experience has been so far? I'm sure some of the user experiences may change as Windows 10 provides new software updates and drivers in the coming days, weeks, and months. What are the pros and cons of Windows 10? Were there any issues during the upgrade? What new features did you enjoy? What platform did you install Windows 10 on? (desktop, laptop, tablet, etc) How is the driver support? How is the security? How is the privacy? How is directx12? (3D applications that actually support it) How is the multi-gpu experience? How is the multi-monitor experience? How is windowed gaming? What games have you tried and how well do they perform? How well does Cortana perform as a digital assistant? How is the new Edge browser? How well does Windows 10 manage heavy CPU and RAM usage in comparison to Windows 7/8? Is Windows 10 worth it, for a pc gamer? Got any benchmarks? Post them below.
  13. Hello, I wanted to ask this question awhile back around the time when certain user accounts were compromised and malicious files were uploaded to the Nexus. Hopefully this topic might be useful for other users. I apologize if this question was already asked. Hope someone can direct me to the original post. What are some things Nexus users can do to protect themselves while using the site?What tools or software can Nexus users use to protect themselves as well as identify suspicious activities?How can Nexus users identify a file as being malicious or compromised in some way?How can Nexus users identify a mod author's account as being compromised?What are some symptoms or activities that can occur on the Nexus that would be considered suspicious or malicious in some way?How can Nexus users check to see if they are connected to the real NexusMods.comWhat things should Nexus users consider first when using third party .exe or .dll files?If there is another question I should be asking, please post below. Thanks!
  14. With Steam trying to promote the Steam Workshop platform for downloading mods, will they also be working on a Steam mod manager to compete with NMM or MO?
  15. Hi, I was reading a little bit about some of the past downloading issues here on Nexus, and it reminded me of the Arstechnica article I read not too long ago, "Netflix researching 'large-scale peer-to-peer technology' ". It made me wonder about the growing number of Nexus members that download mods who could also become providers of mods at the same time. I am not sure if a system like that is already in place for any populated modding communities. It was just a thought, but not sure how practical it would be, especially when members need to keep their computers on along with other issues lol. Anyway, thanks again to the team for going through hell and back for the community. You guys/gals deserve nice cold hard drinks. ;)
  16. Hi everyone. I want to ask a question that could potentially help people troubleshoot their mods and tweaks for Skyrim performance. Question is: What region(s) in Skyrim do people consistently experience the most performance hit or lowest fps. I asked in the NexusMods Chatroom and got an answer from a member, deathneko11. He suggested to go to the top of the steps in Whiterun that goes to Dragon's Reach and to look down. He also suggested Riverwood. If anyone else experienced other places in Skyrim, please leave a response below. Thank you. I hope I'm posting this in the right place. Also, I do apologize if a similar topic has already been made. I may need to practice more with the search function.
  17. Hi I left you a private message in chatroom too but will post this here since you wanted to see whether I can see shadowmarks ingame. http://i.imgur.com/Mncnnyh.jpg The shadowmark was found in Whiterun by the Companions location. Also let me know what graphics settings you currently have. *Edit* here is another shadowmark in Whiterun by the Guard Barracks http://i.imgur.com/vhC7rJL.jpg
  18. Hi, I'm new here. Just want to let some of the new members know that if you still haven't updated to the latest version of NMM and you aren't able to do it via the NMM program, you can still manually download/install the new NMM version (0.46.0) from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/modmanager/ and you won't lose any of your mods/plugins or settings :)
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