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About Mechaheart

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  1. Hi there, I've recently been getting back into Oblivion, and in an attempt to make a ninja like character have opted for the dual wielding mod "Simple Dual Wielding" (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43079/) . It all works as intended, and the idea of getting buffs for doing it, even though the offhand never attacks is great. My one gripe is that to switch to a bow unequips the dual wielding weapon and separates it back into two weapons, which means if I want to go back to dual wielding I have to open the menu and re-equip both, rather than just press a hotkey. Has anyone tested and made their version work with hotkeys by any chance? I've tested with both vanilla and Enhanced Hotkeys (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/34735) Thanks in advance! RaphaelAnimus
  2. Hi, I am trying to create a script where I can add as many doomstones as I want, and then optionally remove them as well. I made a script which worked but only removed them in alphabetical order. Now I am trying to create a menu to specifically remove any stone from any other stone. This is what I have so far: It's getting confusing for me, considering I have only really tried scripting a few times. Any help would be appreciated.
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