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About Amphibious

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  1. I get i now!!! I figured out how it works, thanks wghost81 it's exactly as you said I just didn't understand how it works at the beggining. this is the final code that actually gets the job done: In my test mod I got all females set to snipers and males to support. Now can can go and edit the main mod file to get the desired effect. Thank you so very much again.
  2. ok, i roughly understand why it isn't working now. but still i i don't understand how it should be written to work.... a and actually i didn't even try to access XGStrategySoldier with my piece of code but the one from xcomgame. i think i'll probably give up on this since i don't understand how it works
  3. @Amineri could you please post the script for XGCharacterGenerator.GenerateName as well. Thx I think I know what's making troubles. It seems that referencing is slightly different when setting a variable and when calling it. Perhaps something useful might surface in function mentioned above.
  4. This code if i set different condition like aim or mob or even will it works quite fine. Problem is not in code that gets executed. It seems that this condition is never met.
  5. Actually you are the author of the piece of code im trying to insert into projectmercy mod. It is from soldier gender probability mod. His code works fine. Problem is in this new part which simply gets ignored.
  6. Ok, after testing I know that the problems is in this part of the script: If written like this it's simply ignored as if no soldier at all fit this description, and that is the best case scenario. Tried to alter it and I either get crash at start or crash upon returning to base. I don't now what else to try.
  7. Hmmm... I have a problem. The scripts writes well and doesn't cause the game to crash however desired effect is left out for some reason. So I tried to rewrite it to set all males to snipers and all female to heavies; I got 1 male support, 2 male and 1 female heavy. great :mad: here is the script itself: Obviously I don't understand how this function/script works exactly. The bold part at the end of each aim range is unclear to me, what does it do exactly? I thought that is class isn't listed under set certain set of condition it won't be assigned to that soldier. Either that or gender conditions don0't work here what would be even worse. I'll make some more test on the original script perhaps I manage to figure how it behaves.
  8. Actually it seems to work! I made more changes though and i made a mistake elsewhere apparently. Back to bug hunting.now..
  9. Thanks for breaking it down however my frankenscode still doesn't work it crashes the game. I tried to join part of your code for gender ratios and this one but was unsuccessful so far. I wanted to fetch the kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender so i copied the boldened part of the code. Did I do it right? My code looks like this now: Do you see any mistakes here? Code writes well to upk but it resulted in game not starting at all. Is it even possible to do what I'm trying here? p.s. I assumed gender 1 is male and gender 2 is female.
  10. mph, this was futile work then. Perhaps I could use XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender to do the same thing since it's the only gender parameter present in strategygame.upk. This was the original plan actually. Here is the sample of how I want the code to look like just instead of stat[1] (aim) I would like to use gender as a condition in this function
  11. Ok but if I wanted to make a call to that variable fromanother function i different upk it would have to look like this: <XComGame.XGCharacterGenerator.GenerateNickname.iGen> Right? Apparently not I get:
  12. Ok so in hex that looks like (I broke it down to be more easier to spot segments): Now I am interested in "if(iGen == 2)" part. That's How would I write this part in pseudo-code? 07 <reference> 9A 00 <reference> 00 00 2C 02 16 or? I'm really new to this and don't know how to get those references. Basically I would want to know how to write that part of the code to use it elsewhere to add gender bias to class selection..
  13. I was wondering how does the script that determines what nick will a char get look like? It must be something that takes into account both class and gender and I'm interested in that part of the code. Could someone with ue explorer on their system be good enough to share the script and underlying code here? Unfortunately ue is not working on linux so i can't.
  14. So I'm not the only one, there is a problem with the servers obviously. I got this one: After that everytime I try it says there's already a file with te same name (even if I change it the same things happens, first I get error moving message and after that file with the same name message). Could someone please look into it.
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