I do not know if someone else has suggested it, but as you may gather from the title, I would like to see the ability to build BIGGER ships in Starfield. Allow me to explain. As soon as the game got out, people immediately started to recreate well-known spaceships across all the various medias. Posts everywhere practically exploded with people showing off "their" version of the 'Millennium Falcon', or the 'Normandy', or even the 'Batwing'. I too was also eager to see what I could create in the game. But, as one would expect, there were limits and building you favorite capital/carrier ships would not happen. I understand why limitations were made, as you have to be able to land your ship in a port and huge starships would just be to cumbersome to work around into the normal play of the game. But that has never stopped Modders before. So this is what I propose: A mod that gives you the option to create a "Capital Ship Class", or a ship that is larger that what can be currently made in Starfield, one where you can build a ship that could be 3x-4x bigger than normal. The obvious problem that comes to mind with this is you can't land it at any port or planet without problems occurring. So then what if this "Capital ship" doesn't land, and instead can only be used in "space", above the planets. And in order to get down to a planet or station you take a "shuttle", which could be any of the vanilla ships in game. I'm thinking just adding another button prompt to go back and forth from planet to ship. Ideally in this fantasy of mine, I would like the Capital Ship to be able to be piloted and fight, which means talking about Mass, engines, reactors, etc. A Capital Ship will likely need "upgraded" reactors, shields, thrusters, and engines; engines and thrusters in particular because of all the mass coming into play. I imagine adding new items that are the same as the vanilla models, but reskinned with updated stats to accommodate the needs of a Capital Ship. --- So that's my idea. I want to feel like I am a Captain piloting a large ship with multiple decks that acts like a mobile home base, hired full of crewmembers from various planets, and together explore the galaxy while daring your enemies to take you on in your ship. I do not think this will be easy, I do not think this will be a small mod, and I am sure as heck don't think I have all the solutions, but that's why this community exists. Give your ideas if you're not scared. Lets have a discussion. :smile: