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Everything posted by dabigpit

  1. Thanks, I've found "Working Aquariums" mod, didn't install it, but I think it may still work. Problem is that's not what I have in mind, I'm thinking about either a populated water surface or some placeholder to be placed in workshop mode that "evolve" to swimming fish when I get out the workshop mode.
  2. There are quite a good variety of fishing, pools and water related mods... We just need to add some alive fishes (and decorations maybe) in the glass tubs we build for the joy of our settlers... The fishes are in the game already (I guess since Far Harbor DLC), maybe we just need some workshop items with "populated" water surfaces like those in Build your own pool or Soe Pack. It will be probably natively compatible with the fishing mods already present in the nexus. Feasible?
  3. Same here, I've also tried to login on the site itself with another browser with the same result (big "OOPS" after entering the code from my auth-app). So I guess I'm here writing just thank to my previous session being still alive on my main browser, and the whole login system is on lunch break...
  4. As the title say atm there's no way to get rid of buggy/unsellable/glitched ships in the fleet, beside going ng+. And there are worthless ships you get by default anyway, yes, I'm looking at you Guardian! Testing buggy mods can also lead to have such ships and no way to fix it. I hope a well written mod can do the job and clean up such messed fleet lists.
  5. So, according this Steam post https://steamcommunity.com/app/1716740/discussions/0/5904837854429829934/ I'm not the only one with this bug. Is any of you talented guys and girls able to fix New Atlantis Starport cell and revert it to vanilla? Please?
  6. With redscript, codeware, tweakxl, archivexl, cybercmd and red4ext updated the game starts but I don't suggest loading a save since CET is disabled, too many mods need CET to run properly.
  7. Any suggestions beside waiting for mods update? I guess CET is a priority...
  8. Try this: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/4 Survey module :happy:
  9. Hi fellow modders, I'd like to move multiple (specific) crew members from a role to another within the same ship. For example all girls as service personell and male marines, or maybe all split marines and argon services.. It shouldn't be very difficult but also a simple multiple selection/move/fire of members should be enough. I usually do it manually but in a capital ship it requires thousand of mouseclicks and hours... Is it feasible?
  10. No replies in 6 months... and it still bugs me... worth a bump. -_-
  11. There are a couple of mods to lay invisible "rugs" to animate npcs in many different ways, but there are no mods to make the vanilla marks visible (maybe only in workshop mode), or at least selectable in console, to allow a selective removal. When you build the settlement your way this can become a real issue, npc floats mid air to hammer some removed structure (hangman alley) or lay on a wall with half body buried in a concrete walkway (happens when you cover such marks with floors), or bury themself in a lockers line to hammer a solid looking wall... While a selective tool can be most welcome, even a complete removal of such marks from the settlements is better than having all the undeletable vanilla markers active... This can be a very, very useful mod if anyone can figure out how to do it...
  12. Here's something annoyed me from the launch... Guards with invisible guns!! http://i.imgur.com/8du1U9v.jpg Can someone fix this massacre? I've also seen a mod trying to fix it but I can't find it no more, maybe he gave up...
  13. If I knew it was you my search would have been way shorter :D
  14. Well... Thank you... where were you when I made the post?? :D I had to dig the nexus for 2 weeks to find out myself... ;)
  15. For those interested I found out myself. All the pieces here are from this collection: LINK The guy is awesome, he fulfill workshop requests and make custom mods for everyone.
  16. Anyone knows where these stone pillars, walls and fences come from? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. In my knowledge there are no indoor settlements mods, I fear this is due to some hardcoded stuff preventing it, which is kinda weird since the mechanist lair removed many "technical" obstacles for indoor settlements (supply line, settlement assign, etc). Add mods availability for stuff like crop planters and moisture condenser and we have all the pieces to turn Diamond City home plate (or any custom player home) in a working settlement. Is it possible? Anyone working on it?
  18. After unsuccesfully trying to manage mods in game (also created a bethesda.net account) I was able to pinpoint my problems loading F4 to 2 mods: "UXO: user experience overhaul" and "full dialogue Interface". The most tricky was full dialogue interface, since, on unistall, NMM removes both the data\scripts\ folder AND the backup files. So I had to: 1) Reinstall FULL DIALOGUE INTERFACE 2) backup elsewhere the files in XXStringsBackupC7 (where XX are the letters identifying your localization language) 3) Uninstall FULL DIALOGUE INTERFACE 4) create folder "Strings" (no quotes obviously) under "fallout 4\data\" 5) copy the backuped files at step 2 into the newly created Strings folder Now I can load my savegame, but please, I'm addicted to the big boxes for inventory managing of UXO, GIVE ME A WORKING UI MOD for F4 1.5, PLEASE!!! :D
  19. In response to post #33645405. I fix it switching to 3rd person and back to 1st...
  20. PrintScreen key (the one on the right of F12 in normal keyboard layouts) gives you screenshots in many situations. Fo4 save a png screenshot in the main game folder, windows put the current desktop in the clipboard for you to paste into your favourite graphic app, etc. It's the original purpose of that key back in command line interfaces and it was inherited by many programs after GUIs were developed. For the free camera in Fo4 type tfc (Toggle Free Camera) in console, you may also want to use tc (Toggle Control) to stop/start controlling your char in many cases.
  21. Hi everyone, as title states I'm trying to connect 2 (or more) different meshes in a single one using nifskope. I've found some "literature" about the matter on previous posts for Fo3 or FoNV, but they seems not to apply on the current Nifskope build. More specifically, I'm the author of the CBBE conversion of OpenSaucer's Camo Variations for Army Fatigues. On vanilla nifs there are specific Shapes for the pipboy area which cause some mess once the cbbe sliders are applied. (vanilla nif: Meshes\Armor\ArmyFatigues\FatiguesF.nif) My idea is to completely remove the pipboy shapes by merging the sleeve part with the rest of the boby (possibly, connecting vertexes) to create a normal sleeve like the right one. I think I can't really connect vertexes w/o the help of some proper 3d editor (please prove me wrong), but merging shapes in the nif maybe will help to get an overall better result using the OutfitStudio tools. Please answer me as you would answer to a 3 y.o. boy becouse my nifskope experience start and finish on materials names edit and I'm not english motherlanguage. :D
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