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About Tesshin20

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  1. I tried now and it did not work sadly. I heard a sound as if something moved over to the empty container but my itemweight is still 63 even though my inventory is empty.
  2. Thank you I will try as soon as I get a chance
  3. Thats fine about the sawn logs ofc. I do seem to have hidden items in my inventory from testing some mod far earlier in my current playthrough. How do I remove those items?
  4. That could be the case. I also see that when I put armor in my inventory, I see my item weight change as I keep equipping armor. As if, I changed it with invisible armor. So what you are saying actually makes a bit of sense. I guess I should reinstall that mod and see what happens.
  5. I am currently level 47 and I am making a weight overhaul mod. I want my bodyweight to be at 0 when I remove all items from inventory. However. It is 56 or something. Which makes no sense. When I did console command to show inventory items it revealed to me Saw Logs (but I checked in Creation Kit and they weigh 0.0) and I have this item "Dummy" and a couple of quest items which has the weight 0 as well. So something is causing me to have 56 inventory weight but I do not know where this comes from. Anyone has any idea please let me now. :)
  6. I actually found out why I was having 250/450 when naked. Sawn logs! For building my house. When you buy logs they are stored in your secret inventory. That makes no sense at all. Now I need to find a way to use it. I checked Creation Kit and it is set to 0. So I dont understand why I get so much itemweight from it.
  7. Hi there. I was having low fps using all my wanted graphics. I had around 20-25 fps. So I decided to buy another AMD card that was on sale to go Crossfire. Every other game the Crossfire is working. But in Skyrim I get flickering shadows and strange issues like depth of field issue. Removing crossfire removes the effect but I go down from 55 FPS to 25 FPS again. Ive tried multiple profiles in the AMD Catalyst Control Center but none of them is working optimally. The best one so far is Fear profile where I get everything working except massiv yellow blinking in the background when I am in any menu. Pleeeeease tell me there is fix for this. A profile I dont know about? An ENB where it doesnt cause any isses. I have been googling this for days and some people got some profiles working for them but some of them just disable crossfire. I really realy want this is to work. I only play Skyrim so I want my crossfire to function there.
  8. I have this exact same issue but I dont have any Breezehome mod at all. I have very few mods actually, but very often when I kill an NPC I get CTD. Been trying to solve this for weeks but nothing is working.
  9. The last 2 weeks NM has been very unstable for me. Alot of the downloads doesnt start at all and I get errors when trying to do searches, click on new pages for mods etc. I hope it gets over soon. -Enthustiastic modder.
  10. Thanks for all the good suggestions. Ive find myself modding and modding over and over.. the highest I get is level 10, then I break my game by doing something stupid like merging mods or removing some mod I realy know I shouldnt remove. Its time to actually play Skyrim for once and use as few mods as possible. How important is graphics to you people? I find myself having really strong OCD about having the best textures the game can have no matter how few ESPs I want to use
  11. I am been heavily modding skyrim for a year now. So much that Ive gone completely retro and started a new game with as few mods as possible. If you wanted to only run a couple of mods, which ones would you choose? You dont have to meantion the unofficial update patches. So far except for the main esms and dlcs and unofficial patches I am running: K ENG Living Lights <-- Best ENB SkyUI Remodeled Armor <--- A must for me. ApachiiSkyhair Caliente Body Mod Big Bottom Edition Morrowloot This is it for me now. I need to have at least a good looking character so I need some skimpy armor and a nice bodymod with lovely hair. And I also need the morrowloot because the most annoying thing about skyrim is that at level 10 you can kill a dude in full orcish armor and make half the stuff that drops in the game suddenly useless. Ive completed everything in riverwood at the moment and so far its not as bad as expected.
  12. Hi I am just reinstalled my entire Skyrim from scratch. The only thing I have load as mods is the DLC. Hearthfire, Dawnguard, Dragonboarn and the DLC Texturepack I also have the newest ENB from Boris' site and Kountervibe ENB. Even with 0 mods installed and when I start a new game it crashes. When I remove all ENB related files it works. Please help me about this, Ive been struggling all day. Googling this issue doenst help either. PS: I have remembered to edit the skyrimprefs.ini for the ENB aswell
  13. So I know alot of people use BOSS to fix their load order. But I wanna do it all myself. Therefore I decided to sit down and make a list of "groups" if you will of mods and in what order I wanted to have them load. So I came with this load order because I felt it made sense: This was my order. ESM-Files (Obviously) Patches Huge Texture Packs (DLC, Apachii etc) Huge Overhauls (Interesting NPC, Frostfall etc, Falskaar etc) Landscape changes (Flora Overhaul, better cave textures etc) Minor Texture Packs (Face, Body, Gems, Bird mods, Animal improvements. Retexture of objects) Mesh Mods (Objects) Armor packs (Immersive Armor etc) Induvidual armor sets (Now everything that changes textures and added new objects was done, now over to game mechincs) Combat Overhauls (Deadly Dragons, Duel-mod Enhanced AI. Spell Overhauls, etc) SkyRe Minor script overhauls (Dance of Death etc. Arrow mods. etc) Sound and music mods (Sounds of Skyrim, Fixing my own music etc) Then I finished of with smaller script mods like "Arrows shoot faster" etc and mods of that type and then I fisnished with UI mods like SKYUI Now I put in some effort end 30 minutes and played with it for some time. But the next day (today) and I loaded up NMM then the entire list was rearranged. Nothing drastically. But the way BOSS would do it. Now I dont have BOSS anymore on my computer (removed it). I do have Wrye Bash but havent used the program for 3 days. Is it a way to keep my load order fixed???
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