I would like to correct HeyYou's comment, Although Bethesda Does Not Yet officially support Modding for Fallout 76 they Won't ban anyone using most mods that replace textures or sounds and such. Mods do however need to be turned off or your custom.ini file needs to be reverted to normal if you wish to play the Nuclear Winter mode. I've been playing Fallout 76 since Official Release and had mods running since Day one. What you need to do to get most mods working is Download the file and unpack the zip file using 7Zip (free online) Then take that file and move it to the Game's Data folder usually on the C:ProgramFiles(x86)/Bethesda.net Launcher/games/Fallout 76/Data In that folder is all the games Ba2 files where the game looks to load everything once you have moved your mods there you need to tell the game Where to look for the mods so it knows what to load and for that you need to go to Documents/MyGames/Fallout 76 Folder There you will find the Fallout 76 Custom.ini file, this is a text file. If Fallout Custom.ini is not present you need to create one or use a pre-built Custom ini file on the nexus there are a couple in the Browse Mod lists. Most people have encountered a problem adding file names for the mods on the sResourceArchive2List= line as it has almost been completely used up by Bethesda so use the sResourceIndexFileList = Instead. Renaming Mods with shorter names is helpful for saving space on these lines. example NukaGirl Rocketsuit mod renaming to something like NGRS.ba2 to save room. You can also try using Cloudy's Mod manager however it uses the Bethesda Launcher so if your PC is starving for RAM I'd just do it Manually. Hope that was helpful, Have Fun