I am working on a mod that will build a new casino in searchlight over a number of days after the player has completed a quest to close the radiation canisters in the firehouse. I was hoping to get a pro tip on this script, i.e. "will it work", the examples I have seen with staged timers have all use GetSecondsPassed instead of GameDaysPassed. scn zzSearchlightTimer Float timer Short Day3 Short Day15 Short Day30 short Casino Begin Gamemode If getstage Quest >= 100 && (Day30 == 0) Set timer to GameDaysPassed + 30 Endif ;enables foundation and guards if (timer == GameDaysPassed - 27) && (Day3 == 0) xxxxxx.enable set Day3 to 1 endif ;enables casino exterior if (timer == GameDaysPassed - 15) && (Day15 == 0) xxxxx.enable Set Day15 to 1 endif ;opens casino for business If (timer == GameDaysPassed - 30) && (Casino == 0) xxxxx.enable Set Casino to 1 Endif End