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Posts posted by Nightman0

  1. What is the normal process for having 2 people work on the same esp so that both can work at the same time and be able to see what the other has done. Is this usually just merging 2 esps every time someone works on it or is there a simpler solution to this?


    Thank you guys!

  2. Very simple, though the onhit event is fairly intensive. The script you posted makes very little sense in the way it is written. Distinguishing between right and left handed weapon does nothing here and the onhit event already takes that into account. It tells you what weapon hit the target. Here's essentially what you'd want.



    Scriptname StaggerOnHit extends activemagiceffect
    SPELL Property stspell1 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell2 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell3 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell4 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell5 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell6 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell7 Auto
    SPELL Property stspell8 Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeBattleAxe Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeBow Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeDagger Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeGreatsword Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeMace Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeSword Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeWaraxe Auto
    Keyword Property WeapTypeWarhammer Auto
    Actor Target
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor AkTarget, Actor AkCaster)
    Target = AkTarget
    Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
    weap = aksource as weapon
    if weap
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeBow)
    stspell1.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeDagger)
    stspell2.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeSword)
    stspell3.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeWaraxe)
    stspell4.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeMace)
    stspell5.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeGreatsword)
    stspell6.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeBattleAxe)
    stspell7.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    if weap.haskeyword(WeapTypeWarhammer)
    stspell8.Cast(akAggressor, target)
    You'd have to make 8 different spells that have the magnitudes you want and line set the properties correctly. Honestly, instead of stspell1-stspell8, maybe call them stspellBow, stspellDagger, etc. for simplicity's sake.
  3. Okay, another issue I've run into.


    I am trying to make a giant beam of light appear during the day of the revenant.


    To that end, I have placed a moveablestatic in the world at the altar's location. I have a quest trying to fill an alias with a alias fill type of Location Alias reference, much the way the Civil war adds objects.


    The problem is when the quest starts it is not filling the alias. I have a Location Alias before the Reference Alias Pointed to the Location that the altar is in. The beam has the location ref type set but I can't get the alias to fill.


    Maybe there is an easier way to make something appear during the correct times but I can't think of one other than attaching a script directly to the objectreference but I'm wondering if this has any drawbacks. I kind of just tried to copy what the civil war did but I can't seem to make it work. Thank you for any help!

  4. Hey guys, I am trying to implement the shade of the revenant to allow the creation of black soul gems every 8 days as in Oblivion. I can't figure out how to get this to work. I want to make it so that every 8 days an activator will be able to be activated and if you have grand soul gems it will turn them into black.


    I want to change a global variable precisely at 12 a.m. every 8 days to allow for the functionality but I can't find an event that would work for specifically at 12 a.m. on a certain day. Once I get that, I could just registerforupdategametime(192) to check for 8 days later but how do I get the first instance at the right time and is there a better way to do this? If you have any insight, please let me know. Thank you!

  5. The fact that people are complaining that bethesda are adding new content and keeping their 8 year old game supported is baffling to me. I understand it messes up SKSE and it's plugins but that is not Bethesda's responsibility or concern and the SKSE team usually updates within a day these past few updates.

  6. I'm very new to scripting but jumping in.

    I'm trying to make a spell that will apply a magic effect to an actor and then if the actor is hit again while under the effect of the magic effect, it will apply a spell to the target that will stagger them.

    It's a combat hit spell entry obtainable by perk.

    I can't get it to work and I keep getting the error that DoCombatSpellApply is not a function or does not exist.

    I can't figure out what to do or if I'm anywhere near right. Thank you for any help.




    Scriptname SSO_Mark40ArrowSwarmScript extends activemagiceffect


    MagicEffect Property SSO_Mark40ArrowSwarmEffect Auto spell property ArrowSwarmStagger Auto


    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)


    GoToState ("Start")




    State Start


    Event OnHit(objectreference akAgressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, Bool abPowerAttack, Bool abSneakAttack, Bool abBashAttack, Bool abHitBlocked)


    akAgressor.DoCombatSpellApply(ArrowSwarmStagger, akTarget)





  7. So with the conversion of Reproccer to UPF, will it be able to read already made xml files? I'm think of patchus maximus and asis. Would it be able to read those and put out the same output as reproccer or would you need to change the xml?


    Thank you, mator!

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