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Everything posted by RawRawRaul

  1. So I was digging around in the Creation Kit and found out the opening Kellog sequence animations and found out the animation is timed from notations in the file itself. The creation kit receives the event, then moves the scene along. I found the variables (talk01-talk15) in the behavior file, but I was wondering if there was a way to add new animation events to the behavior xml? If not, would it possible to use one of the animation events to advance a papyrus variable to control a scene phase?
  2. Here I was hoping for a: TheCreepyNPCOnTheCorner.say(240975.wav) They never make things easy do they? Thank you very, very much for your help SKK50.
  3. Spent the day searching through object documentation and haven't figured this out properly. I know it's possible to force a scene to play, but I was hoping to get around forcing a scene and just directly have them use a fuz file. Anyhone have any ideas?
  4. All right. Thank you very much for the replies. I toggled the mods on and off and didn't see a marked improvement in framerate, so I think it's all right. Just wasn't sure if I was on crazy pills or something.
  5. So I found these two mod I really like called (Lovers Lab link, NSFW) Just Bigger Trees and Some Trees. Combining these two mods makes for a much more diverse landscape. However I know that swapping out meshes has a nasty tendency to break precombines. What would be the right way of fixing this? I'm assuming I would need to create a custom .esp and somehow load those meshes into them, then open the creation kit and run a 1-25 day long calculation to fix the entire commonwealth, but I'm willing to do that. I just don't know how to actually go about doing the first step, or if that's even the right process at all. Would anyone have some sage wisdom on the right way to fix this issue? Thanks in advance for your help.
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