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Nexus Mods Profile

About hvyas

  1. I'm having one issue with my mods: 1. One of my mods for some unapparent reason changes the voice file (possibly) for (all) dragons. I just started a new game and killed Mirmulnir, and whatever mod this is, I understand that the maker may have put a lot of effort into it (so no offense), makes the dragon sound completely retarded when he says towards the end of the fight, "Dovahkiin! No!!" Would really appreciate some help finding which mod it is. Attached below is a list of the mods that I have, if someone could help me undo the voice change, it would be greatly appreciated. Mod List. Cycled through my mod list, installing each one over again, and I've discovered that the change to Mirmulnir's voice is because of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch: "Updated voice work for Mirmulnir has been provided, thanks to Euther." I would like to keep the patch because it does have other good useful changes, is there a way that I can remove/delete/deactivate that one single change in the patch? Also, I'm looking for another mod which I had viewed on the nexus; however, I didn't think that it was a good mod when I first saw it so I didn't get it. Now, as I think back, I feel like it may have been a good mod to try and I cannot find it anymore. It was a weapons carrying/backpack combination mod. The mod had the ability to limit how many of each type of weapon you could carry etc. For example, you could only carry 1 greatsword, 2 swords, 4 daggers, etc etc. The other feature of this mod was somewhat of a cheat, where the items could be placed into a bag, which, allowed you to choose how items in the bag behaved such as weighted/weightless weapons, and whether there was a limit to how many you could carry (in the bag), limited/unlimited weapons. The backpack allowed you to choose, a type of system for the bag to follow out from the 4 combinations possible with these factors: weighted/weightless, limited/unlimited. There is a possibility that I am thinking of two separate mods, but I cannot remember well enough to be sure.
  2. Although some people may not agree with this type of content request because they may consider it cheating/overpowered, I am asking for items like this because I have already reached the end-game and I want to have and be able to use the items that I have acquired along the way and it seems stupid that there are 10 masks (not counting DLC masks) and 9 amulets (of the gods) which you can gather, but then you are forced to choose only one of each of those items. I think anyone who has reached such a level in the game should understand that for all the hard work we put in to reach such a level, the (current and previous) material rewards should be additive in effect. 1. A ring with the following enchantments: Muffle, Water-breathing, 100% resist poison, & 100% resist disease 2. An amulet of the divines: Roll all of the enchantments of the individual amulets into a single amulet, so Dibella, Akatosh, etc etc all into a single amulet.3. Dragon Priest mask: Roll all of the enchantments of the individual dragon priest masks into a single mask, so Hevnoraak, Volsung, etc etc all into a single mask.4. Improvement for Arch Mages robes also, since it's kind of sad that the other robes 150% magic regen, and a 25% decrease in cost to cast all spells instead of 15%5, Maybe even a weapon combination, I could use a sword that has fire, frost, shock dmg + soul capture... I know there is something similar in DLCs but that's not what I would like exactly. Anyone capable of making these then I would be extremely grateful. Ask if you have any questions...
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