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Posts posted by eurozom

  1. I just want to express my appreciation to the Nexus staff for including a hotfix for NMM Version 0.56.2 as well. THANKS!


    I'm not using this older version out of stubbornness - I just have a few playthroughs that are complicated, messy, and managed through 0.56.2, and I really don't want to take the risk of messing up my existing games by having to re-install all my mods through the profile system, or in Vortex (which I haven't tried yet). Perhaps in the future I'll try the new manager, once it's out of Alpha, and once I have time to rearrange my mod preferences from scratch.


    In the meantime, I really appreciate being able to update modes and directly download them through NMM.

  2. I've never seen a website back off from a new site redesign once they've committed to go forward with it, no matter how much people complain. So I don't expect Nexus to be different, sadly.


    But here, I'll say my piece anyway...


    The new design sucks. It fills the screen with noise. It has the illusion of being sharper and more "clean" aesthetically, but it has way too many buttons and links and elements, and not nearly enough differentiation between elements (shape, size, colour, font) so navigating becomes unintuitive and even disorienting.


    The obsession with tiles for many of the links, instead of being able to organize them into simple lists, is also infuriating. It means your eyes constantly have to careen around the page, instead of just scrolling up and down vertically.


    As soon as I am redirected to a "new" version of a page, I'm seized with a desire to just get OFF the page as quickly as possible. That's not the feeling a site should engender. Website design matters.


    Okay, that's my bit.



  3. Howdy... first time posting. I need a ground texture ID if possible.

    Some time ago I was using a texture mod, and the ground textures for The Rift area had a thick carpet of fallen leaves, much more than usual. This was most obvious on the roads, but also some of the Fall Forest ground areas as well. It was really quite beautiful.

    I must have switched to a different landscape texture mod without noticing that it changes these leafy areas. I've gone through all the mods I currently have saved and I just can't find that texture anymore... and it's driving me crazy! :sad:

    I'm hoping someone here might recognize it and tell me what it is (and where to find it again, since I must have deleted my version)

    I know it's a ground texture, not surface objects like Unique Grasses and Groundcovers adds.

    Here are some screenshots:






    Hope you guys can help me! Thanks! :)

  4. In response to post #11794800. #11795775, #11796095, #11796350, #11796445, #11797015, #11797850 are all replies on the same post.

    ( Okay, that's REALLY weird... my comment on this topic got replaced with a comment I left on a -totally different mod page-. Odd bug.)

    So let me try this again. It's great that the new NMM has the button to automatically look for new updates.

    However, the problem is this... only the mods that HAVE new updates seem to be showing up. This sucks because the 'newest version' column also functions as DIRECT LINKS to the Nexus pages for those mods. I used to use these direct links ALL THE TIME to get back to the main page for the mods... to check variant versions, to check discussions in the comments section, to double check mod details.

    Having the direct linking from NMM was REALLY REALLY USEFUL.

    Now, only the mods with new updates pending show, which means for all other mods, I have to:
    - select the mod
    - click the 'mod info' button
    - select and copy the address
    - open my web browser
    - paste the address
    - click 'enter'

    With the old direct links, I could do ALL of that in ONE CLICK. :(

    Anyway, if this could be fixed up (returned to the old way) in the next update that would be really cool. Thanks!
  5. Here's something I'd like to see...


    We have a bunch of mods that create groundstrike AoE attacks, or allow you to use the Giant Club as a weapon.


    But purely for fun, I was wondering, is there any way to create an enchantment or animation mod that gives your weapon the visual impact effects of a giant club? I don't mean in terms of pure damage, or sending characters flying into the air. There's the FusBlade mod, that knocks people into the air and sets them on fire, and that's fun... but not quite what I was looking for.


    I was looking for the effect that happens when a giant swings his club and misses, and there's small quake in the ground, and a shower of dirt is thrown up into the air. WHAM! Something that adds a little IMPACT to your fight scenes!


    I've been looking for something like this, but I haven't found something that adds this visual effect.


    Anyway, I just wantd to throw this idea out there. I have no idea whether it is possible. If someone has DONE this... please point me in that direction! :smile:

  6. Aha! So the music files in the Data>Music folders are optional then, and will only play ahead of the Vanilla music if there is actually something with the appropriate filename in the Music folder?


    Am I right in thinking that's how it works?


    Thanks for the quick reply! :)

  7. So a while back, I installed a mod that replaced all my "combat" music with the Conan soundtrack. The problem now is that I want to get the Vanilla music back, but apparently it was a replacer (I installed this when I was still new and stupid). The mod itself isn't even showing up on my mod list, so uninstalling is not really going to work. I'm also using the Personalized Music mod now, by No Aardvarks, which only adds tracks, doesn't replace.


    So here's my question... how can I get the Vanilla combat tracks back? I'm on a legit Steam version of Skyrim, but I don't want to do a complete re-install, and muck up all of my other mods. Is there any way just to get those .xwm combat music files back without replacing tons of other stuff?


    I realize this is probably a noob question, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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