I spent about a year playing on my Xbox before I moved over PC. For some reason, I always gravitated towards a 2h warrior build, just because I seem to obliterate everything in my path. I tried being a Mage, but I cannot use magic to save my life, not to mention the extremely slow rate at which you level. I then tried being an Assassin/Thief character. That worked relatively well, but I couldn't really use archery because controllers are too fiddly with precision aiming. Right now, loaded up with Frostfall, SkyRe, Deadly Combat and a number of mods that enhance archery, I'm doing a sort of Duelist Archer guy. He only uses one-handed swords and a long-bow, and it's probably the most fun I've had in a while. I have to dodge a lot of attacks and really focus on exploiting openings in the enemy's defense. Archery with mods is great, because you no longer feel limited to about 20 feet of range, and can hit targets that are just specks on the screen. Oh, and I usually play a Nord, so there's not a huge amount of racial reaction, but every now and then I play as a Khajiit and it's pretty interesting. I have bandits saying "I'll make a nice rug out of you, cat!", and Khajiit caravans seem even more friendlier than they usually are. Just to change things up even more, I got a mod that makes your dialogue options sound "Khajiitin". You go up to a merchant and "What have you got for sale?" is replaced by "This one wishes to trade with you." Nice little immersion mod, although I'm pretty sure it stays on even when you play another race, so you might have to turn it off if you want to switch to a non-Khajiit character.