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  1. I got this too. I'm not entirely sure which mod it's from, but you can find the book in the lower level. It's where Delphine's hideout is. If you're not far enough along the MQ to know what that is - go into the inn keepers room (to the right of the bar) and go up to the locked cabinet on the wall. Use the console to unlock this, and go down the passageway. The journal will be sitting right there on the table. As far as I can tell from reading it (I didn't actually follow up on it), it's some old Blade who's hidden himself away and wants to meet you. Have fun working it all out.
  2. I've got a problem, too. I've run the patch and I have the XP32 Skeleton installed, but when I play the game with the mod installed, my shield's clipped through the ground at my feet. I've tried everything, but I can't seem to get it to work. Somebody really needs to make an installation video if so many people are having problems. Hopefully Gopher will cover it in his next mod sanctuary...
  3. Your age is relevant because I would understand your thought process if you're under 13 years old. You proposed an idea, and I thought it was awful. If you can't handle criticism, keep your thoughts to yourself.
  4. I think it's quite the contrary. Nothing is assumed about all those people being one and the same. At least not ingame (books, dialogue and such). That would mean invalidating a player's personal canon, and so far I don't remember in happening in TES. Edit: Not that I noticed, I mean. I would be very disappointed if there are ingame things that force a story upon a character you made in the past. I think it's more open to interpretation. Sheogorath has a line about being at the sacking of Kvatch. "I was there...", he says. A player who never played Shivering Isles would think nothing of this, but player who did and became the Mad God would interpret Sheogorath of Skyrim as their old character. The character I beat Shivering Isles with happened to be an Imperial male, so this concept opened up immediately to me.
  5. I only bothered to retrieve his Moon Amulet on one playthrough in all my hours on Skyrim. I gave the fuzzy bastard my set of Steel Plate to hold onto (I can't quite remember the reason, but it was my best and only set of armor at the time). Later on, when I went to retrieve it, I couldn't find it in his inventory. After 30 minutes of trying to work out what could've happened, I came to the conclusion that my steel plate somehow "melded" with his, thus making it impossible to unequip it from him. Mind you, this was back when I was playing on the Xbox, so I couldn't cheat myself the armor back. I was stuck between killing him or running about in my nobleman's clothes at level 15. In the end, I decided to kill him. It was a sad death. He slipped off a cliff into the water and floated away...
  6. I'm using Deadly Combat, SkyRe and Locational Damage, and I'm having a great time with it. I haven't picked up whether or not there's been drastic alterations to the AI, but they seem more reserved and tend to block more often. Oh, but they do power-bash like there's no tomorrow. The only way to get through an enemy with a shield is to parry several of their attacks and go for them while they're recovering, which I kind of like. I'll definitely try out Duke's, but I probably won't use it if I have to reconfigure SkyRe too much, or run into too many problems. I'm a big fan of Mount & Blade, though, so it might be what I'm looking for in the way of combat mods.
  7. Mate, the videos are horrible quality and almost nothing is demonstrated. Furthermore, what exactly is it that you're trying to show off?
  8. I'm not entirely sure about the technicalities around it, but I'm fairly sure it'd be really difficult to put a "shield shatter" animation into the game as a modder, if not impossible. While it would be nice, there's already a mechanic that gives you a chance to knock the shield out of their hand. Sorry mate.
  9. I'm pretty sure that in SkyRe you can get a perk that lets you enchant your fists with elemental damage...
  10. As far as I know, most Nords are pretty tall. By the way, I looked through the thread and I'm fairly sure nobody mentioned this (unless I'm retarded and completely missed it), but you can just change the character's height using the console. Hit the tilde key (~), type "player.setscale [#]" 1 is the default height, and you can go all the way up to 10, but that makes you into a super-giant, so I recommend against that. If you wanna be a little bit shorter, just type something like player.setscale 0.95. Again, if I missed someone explaining this, I apologise profusely for my blindness.
  11. I spent about a year playing on my Xbox before I moved over PC. For some reason, I always gravitated towards a 2h warrior build, just because I seem to obliterate everything in my path. I tried being a Mage, but I cannot use magic to save my life, not to mention the extremely slow rate at which you level. I then tried being an Assassin/Thief character. That worked relatively well, but I couldn't really use archery because controllers are too fiddly with precision aiming. Right now, loaded up with Frostfall, SkyRe, Deadly Combat and a number of mods that enhance archery, I'm doing a sort of Duelist Archer guy. He only uses one-handed swords and a long-bow, and it's probably the most fun I've had in a while. I have to dodge a lot of attacks and really focus on exploiting openings in the enemy's defense. Archery with mods is great, because you no longer feel limited to about 20 feet of range, and can hit targets that are just specks on the screen. Oh, and I usually play a Nord, so there's not a huge amount of racial reaction, but every now and then I play as a Khajiit and it's pretty interesting. I have bandits saying "I'll make a nice rug out of you, cat!", and Khajiit caravans seem even more friendlier than they usually are. Just to change things up even more, I got a mod that makes your dialogue options sound "Khajiitin". You go up to a merchant and "What have you got for sale?" is replaced by "This one wishes to trade with you." Nice little immersion mod, although I'm pretty sure it stays on even when you play another race, so you might have to turn it off if you want to switch to a non-Khajiit character.
  12. Firstly, how old are you? That makes absolutely no sense. Secondly, it's not "Oblivion game", the series is called "The Elder Scrolls". There's five of them. Thirdly, it wouldn't be an Elder Scrolls game if it was like Assassins Creed. Certain games have certain styles, and we play The Elder Scrolls because we like a certain style.
  13. I'm not having a single problem... have you tried putting SkyRe at the end of your load order?
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