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About Abelius1

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  1. Well, in fact there IS a way to copy+paste from Windows to Skyrim, Fallout 4, etc... but a third party software is required. Download AutoHotKey (free open source project) and create a simple script that (only) contains this...: ^b:: SetKeyDelay, 0, 25 Loop, parse, clipboard, `n, `r { Send, %A_LoopField% Send, {Enter} Sleep 200 } Return In the first line you could change the 'b' key for another if you want. Execute the script AS ADMINISTRATOR (it will not work in-game otherwise) and it will keep running in the background waiting for a Control+B press. It's the same as the common Windows Control+V, but in this case it will key in every character in your clipboard. The delay you'll see between keystrokes is necessary for not obtaining garbled text. You could fine tune the SetKeyDelay and Sleep values as you want, according to your system. Those values work for me in my i5-2500K rig. Have fun.
  2. Amen to that! For all those reasons and because they are totally stupid and sometimes I need to abandon them fighting with an impossible-to-beat monster. You know, they don't have tactics so they charge as morons... :wallbash: It would be great if we could say to them "go home", stealth past the bad-ass monster, and recall them after that.
  3. I'm thinking about Metal Gear here... :tongue: And that's ooooold! Where's the line between criticizing and trolling? Depends on the person, I suppose. But in this case I got plainly disappointed, really, to the point of needing to ask "Hey, there are no footprints! Are you ok with that?" Is not like it is only one zone in the game that has snow... :ermm:
  4. He he he indeed... :biggrin:
  5. Hi there. If you open the console and enter this command... player.modav carryweight 500 ...you'll be effectively adding 500 lb to your maximum capacity without affecting other stats. Save after that and you're set. Change 500 for other value if you want, but don't go nuts and put 100000 or something because I've experienced crash-to-desktop errors in those cases.
  6. Yeah well... Anyway, it seems that if you put sexchange twice in the console, character is redrawed, so as a temporal solution until a patch goes live... Very creepy to change the sex of my bearded man, by the way... :sick: Man, Bethesda's QA team is incredibly lazy... How could they have not seen this? :confused:
  7. And this is happening not only with arrows! Take a look at this...: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/653/screenshot0pb.th.jpg WTF!!!!!! :wallbash:
  8. I'll auto-bump this because I don't give credit to the idea that I am the only one pissed off by the plain stupidity of companions at Skyrim. I'll do it only once, I promise. :tongue: Really people... don't tell me you are not longing for Fallout 3 / New Vegas BASIC system of tactics and engagement rules!? Currently, my standard engagement with a troll goes like this...: 1. I try to stealth pass the troll 2. He sees me at attacks 3. I run past the troll shouting at him for winning some seconds of advantage 4. Stupid companion <put_name_here> attacks troll until collapsing on ground (s/he ignores me completely so I can't say to him/her: "Run, you stupid jungle monkey! RUN!!!!") 5. I try to help him/her and I die, obviously. Variation 5b. I ignore the moron and continue to run. :confused: So, I really hope some talented modder could do something about this when CS goes live. But in the meantime tell me people, are you really ok with how it is already? To not be able to say to them "just ignore the enemy"??? :facepalm: Edit: OK, second page again with no replies. I really don't get you, my friends... :ermm:
  9. Well, that could be the case if Moogiefluff was part of the development team, but s/he is not so I don't think your saying is actually applicable, even if I understand your point. :tongue: For me... yes, it's plain laziness. But not from the devs but instead of their "overlords", which I bet were advised by the former of this shortcoming and chose to ignore it so the game could start making money at 11/11/11 instead of 11/18/11, a date which is much less "cool" to the media. Just my two cents. I hope someone could do this in the future (I bet it's not going to be easy).
  10. Yup, in fact I would like the same. Actually I was the thread starter after all! :biggrin: But well, by the time being I'll be using this. Not bad for a laugh too. Ah, by the way, I think (not confirmed) that player.setav speedmult xx would be better, because that "mod" part seems to add or subtract only, while "set" appears to... welll... set the value at that fixed number.
  11. Ok, if anyone is interested, I'll explain a bit more about the command British suggested to me. The normal movement speed of the character is 100. So... player.modav speedmult xx will ADD the xx value to that 100 starting value. Example: player.modav speedmult 50 This sets the player movement speed at 150% of the normal 100% If you want to revert back the speed to 100% DON'T write the same command with a 100 value, because you'll add a full 100% MORE to the already faster movement. You'll need to execute this: player.getav speedmult ...and you'll get the current value. Then just execute: player.modav speedmult -xx (don't forget the minus sign) where xx will be the current speed value minus 100. That way you'll return to the default 100% speed. By the way, you can actually die if jump when at 700% speed... I tried. :tongue:
  12. Yupe, it works. We posted at the same time, he he. :tongue:
  13. HOOOOOOLY s***!!!!!! It works! But only after changing something at the inventory screen. I've selected another type of arrow and the guy moved like a Jedi afterwards, ha ha! :biggrin: Ok, thank you again then. I'll make extensive use of that command, he he...
  14. Thanks for that. I didn't know it. Anyway, it would be even better if we could have a hotkey for a specific dual magic, or sword/shield, sword/knife combination.
  15. Mmm... it doesn't appear to work. Pity. I've put even 300 at the value, to make sure it does something, but nope... Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
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