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About Sangel2525

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall

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  1. It's been a while since I've been active on the Nexus. I used to be kind of an Oblivion unofficial mod tech support. Specifically with MAO, and DMC. Sorry I haven't been my usual helpful self in a long time. I've been very ill. On top of that Oblivion won't work on my PC anymore. Don't ask... I tried everything. But I am fiddling with New Vegas. I plan on releasing something for NV soon. :)
  2. Just popping by to say g'day! :)
  3. hi jess, hope you are alright... :)
  4. Thanks, it was a good birthday. Theatre resturants are great. I also got birthday money! Sweet!
  5. Hahaha, you are welcome... And *whistles* ahem... nah, you are so wrong... :-D
  6. Thanks for the Payn picture Mav! ^^ And I still SEE what you did there! O_O
  7. I do like it...yummy
  8. Even spelling the name of the mod correctly would help so I could be nice and do a search for it. I'm not trying to rag on you, and I'm not a grammar-cop or anything. But can you please, please use proper English when posting? Especially in a post asking for help. I say this not out of scorn, because I don't know you. I say this because it would be much easier to help you out if you did so.
  9. *pokes the Dezi* You know you like it. :P
  10. Well mesh wise it's pretty easy to make a character fat in the CS. Grant you, you will need to make a copy of the race you want to be fat if they are a vanilla race. Then just adjust their weight. The copy of the race is to make it so you don't have fat NPC's of that race walking around all over. As per body textures, Roberts Male Body 3 had some hairy textures, as you can tell from the screenshots. Not super hairy but there is some fuzz on what looks to be Imperial, Nord, possibly Breton chests. So my advice is download and install Roberts Male Body 3. Then open up the CS, go to race... Make a copy of one of the hairy races. Make sure you make the copy playable. Then adjust the weight for the males of said race so they're nice and fat. Hope this helps. :)
  11. In response to you leaving stupid comments in my profile. Get off the lawn! My profile being the metaphorical lawn. Blasted kids these days I tells ya. :P

    /random comment comeback

  12. I understand where you're coming from. Especially when it comes to looking for CM Companions. Just too many pretty female elf companions. o_O Nevertheless I can't really complain about it because it adds variety for people. Other people may not be looking for the same things I am. When I find something I like and take it, someone else may find something extremely similar to what I liked and prefer that over what I opted for. It's always nice to have variety. In the context you're talking about here, there could be slight differences in how the spell operates that would compel someone to opt for one over the other. Same with utilities, actually Dez brought up spell remover. Yes the original was horrible. It would work if you moved it in the load order, then launch. However upon restarting it would stop working, and you'd have to kind of smack it in the head in OBMM by moving it. It was bizarre. I'm going to have to check out this newer one if it actually works without forcing me to move it up and down every time I want to use it. o_O My point is it's always nice to have variety. At the same time do realize this is not a call for complacency with monotony. Oh no... Originality is extremely important. The thing is with all the smaller mods it's all been done before, and likely done with a gusto with the mod forerunners of innovation. Guess what? It's hard to outdo some of the insanely innovative stuff that's already been done, but people still continue. Take a look at the recently released Unnecessary Violence mod. Now that's extremely innovative if not in some regards mind blowing. However those really innovative mods that just blow your mind usually take a long time to produce. Ergo you won't see as many as the more mundane mods due to the amount of time it takes to create mods like that. Also there's the sad fact many who attempt to try to make mods like that often give up. But there are a lot of really neat and unique mods here at The Nexus both large and small, you just need to look carefully and you'll stumble upon pure gold. I've been playing Oblivion since launch, and I've seen the mods evolve. What I never imagined to be remotely possible in this game is possible thanks to those innovative hardworking modders. So I'm not saying originality is bad, because it's originality that keeps me coming back to this game. What I am saying is, yeah there is a degree of monotony, but on a more positive note it does create a nice sense of variety allowing you to choose what you like best, or if you're greedy take it all. :P
  13. Raagh! I'm in your comments section, leaving stupid comments! lol
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