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Status Updates posted by Sangel2525

  1. It's been a while since I've been active on the Nexus. I used to be kind of an Oblivion unofficial mod tech support. Specifically with MAO, and DMC. Sorry I haven't been my usual helpful self in a long time. I've been very ill. On top of that Oblivion won't work on my PC anymore. Don't ask... I tried everything. But I am fiddling with New Vegas. I plan on releasing something for NV soon. :)
  2. Thanks for the Payn picture Mav! ^^ And I still SEE what you did there! O_O
  3. *pokes the Dezi* You know you like it. :P
  4. In response to you leaving stupid comments in my profile. Get off the lawn! My profile being the metaphorical lawn. Blasted kids these days I tells ya. :P

    /random comment comeback

  5. Hey everyone yes I'm alive. I've just had a month from hell is all. It's going to be hard to be on regularly but you should see me around a little more now. btw thanks for the link Keylek I'll give it a look. ^^
  6. In a good mood Dezi. ;)
  7. Daeshuus, now now don't get all self conscious on me. I'm just joking around. ;)

    And yes I have a b/f real life. What I said about Dezi was just some esoteric humor between us.

    It's after all just the internet. So chin up. ^^

  8. Daeshuus, I'm not a 100% on this but I think Dez called internet hitting on me privileges a while ago. :P


    But you know what I mean Dez! Miss Hoohoo! :P


  9. I went blonde recently, so I figured I would update my picture to a more recent one.
  10. In response to your question, great albeit addicted to Saint's Row 2 at the moment. :P
  11. Umm thanks for the comment, I'm still a bit unaccustomed to all the forums features so it took me a while to get back to you. :)
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