i found the one with the specs i want at 1100<span style="font-family: lucida grande" ,="" 'lucida="" sans="" unicode',="" arial,="" verdana,="" tahoma,="" sans-serif'="">$(the specs i posted) and abt the answer,should i build my own or not? u know...the alienware is like a poopular brand like nike etc lol im still using my shoe for 5 years and its still good as new except the dirt on it :P (let me know if telling brand name is against rules dont ban me lol) Are you sure it isnt the 3450 + GTX640 POS? They both have the same name but the serial codes are different. ah acutally i copy pasted it from here: http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-x51/pd.aspx its the third one im looking at