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  1. The Time Bomb works differently from what I want. It uses a timer you can set in its explosion record, but what I need(I think)is a script attached to a detonator telling the game two things upon pulling its trigger: first, to spawn in the NPC ally and second, to detonate the placed mine(the power source of the ally, if you will) after 30 seconds. The ally also needs to disappear when the mine explodes. I got the ally behaving just how I want, but I don't know how to implement it via the above
  2. I am making a mine weapon that I want to work with the detonator in this way: first, when pulling the detonator trigger, it doesn't explode, only gets ACTIVATED, then explodes after a certain amount of time(maybe 30 seconds), and second, I want a light attached to the mine to go on when activated. I have two different nifs for the mine, one with light off and one with light on. I just don't know how to implement them the way I want, nor do I know the scripting for the timing thing. Basically, what will happen is the detonator when used will place an NPC at the mine location(which I have managed to do through the explosion, probably not the best way) who will fight for you until a certain time(30 secs) elapses, at which point the mine blows up and the NPC disappears.
  3. Yes, I first tried it with Scrap Metal and got the rotation, then in a last hope kind of mindset I decided to try it with the Conductor object and it worked!
  4. This is more of a Nifskope question but hoping to find an answer here nonetheless. I have created a misc object from a static mesh. As expected, when I first tested it and dropped the item it would float. So I followed some tutorials and managed to get rid of the floating, but now when the item lands on the ground it slowly rotates, and doesn't stop. How can I get it to behave as other junk items, when you drop them they react to physics as normal?
  5. But setting the light template into something darker would create undesirable effects in the other areas of the worldspace I image. In any case, I scrapped that idea and made an interior out of what I wanted to do. Would still like to know if there is an elegant workaround. I am sure I have played a game where I entered somewhere like a cave in a worldspace and noticed it getting darker, and quite smoothly. Maybe Enderal? Might be worth checking that out I suppose.
  6. Making a new worldspace that includes a long underground tunnel accessible via a hole in the ground, no load door. When entering the tunnel, it seems the worldspace light affects the walls of the tunnel, with the wall facing where the sun would be is much brighter than anything else, despite it being completely underground. Is there a way to disable worldspace weather/lighting for a section or does a new interior need to be created?
  7. But that's the thing, I don't think the asset count is that high, I have only created the tunnel with zero clutter, zero NPCs. I think there is something to do with XYZ because I deleted a section and it works fine. Guess I will split them into two cells.
  8. So I did two tests. There are two cells linked to one another. For the first test, I started in cell 1 and went through the door to cell 2 to test the teleport and once in cell 2 I couldn't advance at all, just stuck right at the entrance. Noclip mode through console and I advanced but then when I turned clipping on I warped back to the position I was stuck at. Test two, I loaded an old save where I was somewhere in the middle of cell 2. I started making my way to the entrance and then when I got to a certain point, maybe 30 paces or so, I warped back to the middle area I started in. Could move though.
  9. I just want to know what the limit is for an interior cell, dimension-wise, if any. I am working on a cell with a rather protracted cave network and upon testing I found my character makes it to a certain point and then warps back to a certain place in the maze. There are not that many objects added in, just the cave walls and such, but as I said the cave tunnel is very long.
  10. So basically I am trying to alter the script attached to the gate you activate when leaving the Sierra Madre and going back to the Mojave. The script as it is now gives an option to stay or leave when activated, and plays the ending slides, puts you back in the BOS bunker etc when the former is selected. What I want is to create an activator object(a totem) that behaves in the same way in that it gives a choice to stay or leave. But when leaving is chosen, I want the character to pass out and then the end slides play. It's pretty much the exact same event at the start of Dead Money, only placed at the ending. I have basically mashed two scripts together, one for the gas trigger at the DLC's start for passing out, and the gate script at the end. However, when attached to the script, it does not behave at all as I want. Here is what I have. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. scn NVDLC01SMGateMojaveSCRIPT ; JSH 10.11.10 ; Script that returns player to BoS Bunker in Mojave Wasteland. ; CES 10/26/10 ; Updating the script to move the ending slideshow from here to the Vault Elevator ;Variables Short bButton ;Grabs the button pressed for the message box short bActivated ;Tracks if the player has exited the DLC short StartUp short EndStartUp float TimerA float TimerB float TimerC float TimerD float TimerE float TimerZ ; Ending must have played at least once short bEndingDone ref rCountryRadio BEGIN OnActivate if (IsActionRef player) && (GetLocked == 0) ShowMessage NVDLC01TravelToMojaveMsg endif END BEGIN GameMode set bButton to GetButtonPressed if ( bButton == 1 ) && (bActivated == 0) && (StartUp == 0) DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Set bActivated to 1 Set TimerA to 1 Set TimerA to .2 Set StartUp to 1 endif ; Player gets gassed. if ( StartUp == 1 ) if ( TimerA > 0 ) Set TimerA to ( TimerA - GetSecondsPassed ) else player.AddScriptPackage NVDLC01PlayerKnockedOut Set TimerB to 2 Set StartUp to 2 endif endif ; Player hits the ground, dazed. if ( StartUp == 2 ) if ( TimerB > 0 ) Set TimerB to ( TimerB - GetSecondsPassed ) else Set TimerC to 8 Set StartUp to 3 endif endif ; Player slowly passes out. if ( StartUp == 3 ) if ( TimerC > 0 ) Set TimerC to ( TimerC - GetSecondsPassed ) else imod FadeToBlackISFX Set TimerC to 5 Set StartUp to 4 endif endif ; Player wakes up. if ( StartUp == 4 ) if ( TimerC > 0 ) Set TimerC to ( TimerC - GetSecondsPassed ) else StartQuest NVDLC01Ending player.MoveTo NVDLC01SlideshowMarker Set TimerE to 5 Set StartUp to 5 endif endif if ( StartUp == 5 ) if ( TimerC > 0 ) Set TimerC to ( TimerC - GetSecondsPassed ) else Player.RemoveScriptPackage Set StartUp to 6 ;EnablePlayerControls endif endif ; Enable FNV Radio Stations on DLC end RNVTARef.Enable; ;Enable Radio New Vegas set rCountryRadio to vCountryRadioREF.GetLinkedRef; ;Country Radio has no ref name, so getlinked rCountryRadio.Enable; ;Disable Country Radio NVDLC01Bartender.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0; ;Set up hologram vendors to stop showing subtitles NVDLC01HologramVendor1REF.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0 NVDLC01HologramVendor2REF.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0 NVDLC01HologramVendor3REF.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0 NVDLC01HoloDealer03.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0 NVDLC01HoloDealer02.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0 NVDLC01HoloDealer01.AlwaysShowActorSubtitles 0 StarletHologramVillaRef.SetNPCRadio 0 NVDLC01RadioStationRef; ;Stop the Starlet Hologram playing the Starlet Radio audio at the fountain ; NVDLC01RadioDisable ; Disable DLC Radio Stations on DLC End NVDLC01RadioStationChristineREF.disable StopQuest NVDLC01RadioChristine NVDLC01RadioStationDeanREF.disable StopQuest NVDLC01RadioDeanQuest NVDLC01RadioStationDogREF.disable StopQuest NVDLC01RadioDog NVDLC01RadioStationSpeakersREF.disable StopQuest NVDLC01RadioSpeakers NVDLC01RadioStationDeanMusicREF.disable StopQuest NVDLC01RadioDeanMusic NVDLC01RadioStationElijahREF.disable StopQuest NVDLC01RadioElijah RemoveImageSpaceModifier FriendOfTheNightInteriorISFX RemoveImageSpaceModifier FriendOfTheNightISFX player.DispelAllSpells ; Removes all chem effects. PipBoyRadioOff ; Turn off PipBoy radio. Player.ResetHealth PlayMusic EndSlideShow StopQuest NVDLC01ChristineBarkTimer player.MoveTo NVDLC01SlideshowMarker END
  11. Just wanted to know if there is some adjustment that can be done so that when there are room markers it doesn't make the render window contents invisible. I am getting sick and tired of moving the roombounds and then replacing them when I have made my changes. I have adjusted the custom ini with bUseMultibounds=0 but it seems to have no effect.
  12. Thought I would post the script I have, abbreviated. This unlocks the object but when 9 are placed or when 19 are placed. 20 does not work. Maybe someone can see why? scn GBobbleheadStandScript begin OnActivate if IsActionRef player == 1 if ( BH10.HaveAGL == 1 ) AGLRef.Enable endif ; like this for each of the Bobbleheads if BH10.Carrying == 1 Set BH10.Carrying to 0 if ( BH10.HaveAGL == 1 ) AGLRef.Enable Player.RemoveItem BucksBobbleheadAGL 1 Set BH01.BobblesDisplayed to ( BH01.BobblesDisplayed + 1 ) if ( BH01.BobblesDisplayed == 20 ) playsound UILockpickingUnlock PlaySafeREF.unlock endif endif ;again, like this for each of the Bobbleheads else ShowMessage BobbleheadNone endif endif end
  13. Greetings, I am working on a mod with a Bobblehead search. I have a Bobblehead stand in a cell that I want to unlock a nearby door once all 20 Bobbleheads have been placed on the stand. It has to be once all positions on the stand are filled, and not simply when the last Bobblehead has been found and looted. I am using the vanilla BobbleheadStandScript but my efforts to tweak it have proven ineffective as to achieving the above. Can anyone please help me with this?
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