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  1. Hello, I've recently started to play Dark Souls 2 and I'm really digging those two armour sets, and I think they are not very off-target lore-friendly-wise in Skyrim. Can anyone work on it? Links for images of both: Heide Knight Iron Mask: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140331201348/darksouls/images/9/9e/Heide_Knight_Iron_Mask.png Alva Set: http://i.imgur.com/koeWSpl.png
  2. Hello, a while ago I looked around on the nexus for an akaviri light armor to go with a pair of tantos or wakizashis in SkyRe, but found none. I come before thee to request a light Akaviri assassin armor, I had in mind maybe the steel armor boots but with the steel plate retextured to look like wood, the belted tunic with the legs and waist of the Blades armor and the pauldrons retextured (the uppermost piece lowered to shoulder level), the Blades Armor's gauntlets (again, retextured to look like wood) and perhaps an Oni mask to complete the akaviri assassin look. I couldn't find any images that resemble what I am asking for. Can anyone do it?
  3. I really like the leather armor, it feels rough and mercenary-like. But I hate the fact that it is sleeveless and pants-less, so could anyone add leather or chainmail on the arms and the leather pants from the thieves guild armor on it? I don't care if it is a replacer or a stand-alone, doesn't even have to be compatible with SkyRe (odin bless T3ndo for the reproccer), but please do it.
  4. Hello, I was watching Gladiator today and had an idea of an imperial armor with the model of the closed-face imperial helmet (the spartan looking one), General Tullius armor with legs covered in leather and a shoulder cloak (like ezio's) with the imperial dragon on top, the imperial boots and imperial gauntlets, but with this color scheme: Black, gold and purple. Anyone here can get it done?
  5. Hey mate, I had an idea that might help, how about something like the light-looking armor in this video right after the guy stops being a sorcerer. Maybe made with mage robes and worn leather parts with a bit of dust and the cloth ragged and discolored for a wanderer feeling to it.
  6. Sorry for the late response mate, I am having exams currently and this professors must have a hard-on for long and hard as f*#@ exams, pardon my french. Anyway, of every armor currently added but in the Nexus page, it would help to promote the mod since ATM you only have pictures of the first set. Just my two cents+an endorse :D
  7. Hello, I came here to ask for a broken sword, that on the very edge of where it breaks, once you draw it a phantom sword completes the blade, kind of like a bound sword but with the effect of magical damage without need of charge. Anyone can help me here?
  8. Hey mate could you upload a picture of the new armor sets in the mod page?
  9. Hello, I had an idea of an armor mod that would not break the lore and yet would look unique, it would be the Apprentice Mage robes recolored gray and deep blue but weathered, with the right pauldron of the Leather Armor on the Left shoulder, forearm and hand wrappings for both hands (like the ones in Hunter Archer Armor mod) but with a recolored steel gray plate of the Orcish armor gauntlet on the left hand. The leather boots but with the Plate Armor section above the actual foot (you know, where the shinbone is) and to top it off, the mythic dawn's hood in gray. I know it is very complicated (at least to me it is, I've little to no experience in modelling), but it would be awesome.
  10. Hey mate, sorry for double post, but how about this as a reference? http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2013/275/7/1/thief_assassin_hannya_mask_guy_by_camronbrown-d6p0wqy.jpg, http://i.imgur.com/jTlc7.jpg with classic wooden plates on the chest and back and on the gauntlets.
  11. By Odin's beard that Orc Marauder looks so gloriously brutal!
  12. Awesome armors mate! How about an akaviri light armor/assassin armor? Maybe with a Hannya or something like that but with a draconian air to it, like a dragon hannya. Just my two cents. I'm gonna download this right now.
  13. First off, please don't hate Dota 2 players. Recently I've played tons of League, and I've just bought Yasuo (first penta, I'm kind of new) and would like to do a build of him (maintaining somewhat lore friendly) but with SkyRe. So here are my ideas: Race: Imperial or Redguard (for one-handed skills) class: Spellblade Main skills: Some magic school that provides dashes or wind-related stuff, one handed and maybe Light armor? Gear: --Weapon: Steel Katana or Nordic Broadsword (it kind of looks like Yasuo's sword) -Armor: I was thinking maybe Dreamcloth with Steel or orcish boots and gauntlets. Any help?
  14. So I decided to play without ENB's, mostly because it hits too much on my perforfmance and because it goes in too deep into the uncanny valley. I want to know what other mods there are to make NV easier to the eye? I gotta admit I am kind of spoiled from skyrim and all of it's low-hit mods. For example, something kind of like SweetFX for Skyrim, Ethereal Elven Overhaul, you get the idea. Up to now I've gotten installed Poco Bueno and Cinematech and it has close to zero performance loss. Any other ideas?
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