I feel like a dumb person, once again here cap in hand to ask for your help. I have been making a mod which allows you to go to a specific terminal and play a 90s style action minigame. I have so far created all new assets including models, textures, videos, sounds and now im ready to script it all together but im already stuck. I want to start a stage in my quest by clicking on an activator. I want it to work like the 'DefaultSetStageTriggerPlayerOnly' activator only instead of activating my quest by walking into the activator i want to activate the it manually. I tried: Onactivate MODQuest1.SetStage(20) But nothing happened. My second query is, is there a script that will store the players inventory into a container and return it all when i want it too? That is important so that i can keep players from bringing HD stuff into my retro minigame. Thank you anyone than can help me, i love making mods but scripts always sets me back.