Hello, i have managed my current skyrim save very carefully so that i don't screw it up. I do not install and uninstall mods carelessly, because i have learned the hard way before that that will screw up a save. The last couple of mods i installed were Additional Music Project and Wet and Cold Holidays, but that was around a week ago, and i had absolutely no problems after installing them. But then, just yesterday, i went to go check up on Helgen (i have helgen reborn and have finished the quest) because i wanted to see how the town was coming along (all the building inside the town are built, so the town is almost done being rebuilt... the only thing left that will be added to the town is a few houses on the hill outside of helgen), and now i cannot leave the town, no matter how i try. If i attempt to fast travel or take a carriage somewhere (i have better fast travel, so i added a carriage to helgen), i get an infinite loading screen, if i attempt to just simply run/ride a horse out of the town, after about a minute or two of riding, i get either a freeze or a CTD. I have included a list of my current active plugins, and a Papyrus log from the most recent time the game crashed/froze. Can anyone help me? Thanks. Here are my plugins: And here is the Papyrus Log: