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About bloodshed714

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  1. So i use the Natural Lighting and Atmospherics ENB, and have been using it for a few months. Just recently, i decided to try using HIALGOBOOST (injector version) just to give myself the extra fps in laggy areas, but i realized while using HIALGOBOOST that when turning, it would kinda screw with the lighting in skyrim while i had the ENB enabled, so i got rid of HIALGOBOOST. Now, i just realized that when i am facing a certain direction and look up to a certain height, a dark shadow line appears. It comes out of nowhere, and then if i continue to look upwards it goes away. It is only visible while looking a way. Does anyone know if this is caused by HIALGOBOOST and is there a way to fix it? Here are some images i took, hopefully they show you what the problem is. The shadow is on the lower part of the screenshots. On the two screenshots with the stone arch, i show the difference between looking straight forward and looking slightly up. (the problem is not the adaptation to light) In some of the screenshots, i show a comparison between me looking somewhat down, and then looking slightly up to when the shadow thing moves into view http://imgur.com/a/8NJfU EDIT: I realized that this problem only happens in the saves i made AFTER i tried using HIALGOBOOST. Does anyone know of a way i could potentially fix the saves or would i have to just resort back to a previous one?
  2. I do indeed have LOOT and always use it, but it isn't helping in this situation :/ and i tried coc commands but still get an infinite loading screen :( I will try the rest though, thanks :)
  3. Vram, you're right it does say that, and i noticed it too, but i don't have Dragonborn on the PC, and i don't have any mod versions that require dragonborn so i dont know why papyrus is saying that, thanks for the reply though :)
  4. Hello, i have managed my current skyrim save very carefully so that i don't screw it up. I do not install and uninstall mods carelessly, because i have learned the hard way before that that will screw up a save. The last couple of mods i installed were Additional Music Project and Wet and Cold Holidays, but that was around a week ago, and i had absolutely no problems after installing them. But then, just yesterday, i went to go check up on Helgen (i have helgen reborn and have finished the quest) because i wanted to see how the town was coming along (all the building inside the town are built, so the town is almost done being rebuilt... the only thing left that will be added to the town is a few houses on the hill outside of helgen), and now i cannot leave the town, no matter how i try. If i attempt to fast travel or take a carriage somewhere (i have better fast travel, so i added a carriage to helgen), i get an infinite loading screen, if i attempt to just simply run/ride a horse out of the town, after about a minute or two of riding, i get either a freeze or a CTD. I have included a list of my current active plugins, and a Papyrus log from the most recent time the game crashed/froze. Can anyone help me? Thanks. Here are my plugins: And here is the Papyrus Log:
  5. I have copied and pasted this post into the skyrim support thread, please disregard this post now.. thanks.
  6. Can a moderator delete this thread? I realized what was wrong it fixed it. I think...
  7. So i was exploring around skyrim and i came across this glitched up troll just standing straight up with its arms spread out. I was thinking "umm.. ok..." so then i decided to try to hit it and kill it and i got thrown across the map. I reloaded my save and ran to the same place to find the same troll in the exact same position. So i made a save standing next to the troll and then attempted to replicate the glitch again and it GLITCHED AGAIN. So then i closed skyrim and started up BandiCam so i could record this and heres the video (4 minutes long, but the last 2 or so minutes is me getting teleported right into the start of a battle between Imperials and Stormcloaks while a dragon is attacking) This glitch is so fun and funny that i had to show everyone. Has anyone else had this happen to them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KkFIZgsRKA&feature=youtu.be PS: sorry for the low quality, idk why it's that low. It usually uploads in 720p at least. But anyways, leave your feedback!
  8. i wish. i hope someone figures out what is going on and what's causing it
  9. Nah man, that's the computer mic I forgot to turn it off. watching the video starting at 1:00 and watch the rest of it. You'll hear the same exact thunder sound alot
  10. i have tried unchecking that and the sound still persists over and over. And im not sure about all he Lanterns of Skyrim, when i installed the mod originally, all of those atomically just got put in the load order. Should they not all be there? I do not use any night levels in CoT since i now use Realistic Nights
  11. This just started the other day, and I dont know why. But whenever there is a thunderstorm, the exact same thunder sounds ALWAYS plays. nothing else. I tried unchecking some mods in my load order to see if that would work and when i unchecked the .esm for Climates of Tamriel, the sound stopped. That all i know about this. So i am wondering if anyone else can identify the problem and perhaps have some ideas for fixing it. I made a video of the sound so you may watch and listen to how annoying it can get. Skip to 0:59 and watch from there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNxQJSIliSA&feature=youtu.be Here is my load order if this will help:
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