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Everything posted by starz82

  1. Could anyone help me out with this cooking script? I'm a complete noob at this kind of thing but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. I've managed to get it working mostly how I want it, but there's a few things I can't get working properly. There's probably a few mistakes in the working script someone could correct I'm sure. The script is attached to a container. Here's what I have so far. ScriptName CookeryContainerScript Float Timer Float AngleX Float AngleY Float AngleZ Ref Pot Ref Fire Ref Food Short DoOnce Short IngredientsDoOnce Short Button Short BeefCount Short ChickenCount Short VenisonCount Short PotatoCount Short OnionCount Short CarrotCount Begin OnActivate If (IngredientsDoOnce == 0) MessageBox "What would you like to cook?", "Beef Stew", "Chicken Stew", "Venion Stew", "Open", "Pack Up", "Cancel" ElseIf (IngredientsDoOnce == 2) If (Timer >= 1) Message "There is already food cooking." EndIf EndIf End Begin GameMode Set Button to GetButtonPressed Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed Set BeefCount to Player.GetItemCount Beef Set ChickenCount to Player.GetItemCount Chicken Set VenisonCount to Player.GetItemCount Venison Set PotatoCount to Player.GetItemCount Potato Set OnionCount to Player.GetItemCount Onion Set CarrotCount to Player.GetItemCount Carrot ;PLACER If (DoOnce == 0) Set IngredientsDoOnce to 0 Set Fire to PlaceAtMe CookingFire 1, 0, 0 Fire.SetAngle X AngleX Fire.SetAngle Y AngleY Fire.SetAngle Z -100 Fire.SetAngle x -90 Fire.SetAngle y 0 Fire.SetAngle z 0 Fire.Enable Set DoOnce to 1 EndIf ;COOKED If (IngredientsDoOnce == 2) If (Timer <= 1) Message "The food is now cooked." AddItem Food 1 Set IngredientsDoOnce to 0 EndIf Endif ;RECIEVER If (IngredientsDoOnce == 1) Message "The food is cooking." Set Timer to 60 Set IngredientsDoOnce to 2 EndIf ;INGREDIENTS If (IngredientsDoOnce == 0) If (Button == 0 && BeefCount > 0 && PotatoCount > 0 && OnionCount > 0 && CarrotCount > 0) Player.RemoveItem Beef 1 Player.RemoveItem Potato 1 Player.RemoveItem Onion 1 Player.RemoveItem Carrot 1 Set Food to BeefStew Set IngredientsDoOnce to 1 EndIf If (Button == 1 && ChickenCount > 0 && PotatoCount > 0 && OnionCount > 0 && CarrotCount > 0) Player.RemoveItem Chicken 1 Player.RemoveItem Potato 1 Player.RemoveItem Onion 1 Player.RemoveItem Carrot 1 Set Food to ChickenStew Set IngredientsDoOnce to 1 EndIf If (Button == 2 && VenisonCount > 0 && PotatoCount > 0 && OnionCount > 0 && CarrotCount > 0) Player.RemoveItem Venison 1 Player.RemoveItem Potato 1 Player.RemoveItem Onion 1 Player.RemoveItem Carrot 1 Set Food to VenisonStew Set IngredientsDoOnce to 1 EndIf If (Button == 3) Activate EndIf If (Button == 4) Set Pot to CookeryContainer Fire.Disable Pot.Disable Player.AddItem CookingGear 1 EndIf If (Button == 5) Return EndIf EndIf End If it's possible, I'd like to bypass the message box and open the container if there is cooked food already inside it. I've tried to do "ElseIf (IngredientsDoOnce == 3)" but it didn't work. Also, I'd like to add a ingredient check message. Such as "You do not have the correct ingredients". I've tried adding this to the end of the ingredients block with "else" but that didn't work either, it shows as soon as activate the container. I won't give up trying to work this out, but any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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