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Everything posted by zemos23

  1. http://orig12.deviantart.net/c4bd/f/2014/061/b/5/doctor_fate_young_justice_by_fateroid12-d78n8lo.jpg I was wondering if there was a modder who might have the free time to make this as a mod. It would just be a helmet and when you ware it you get this as armor. the helmet would give 1000 magic resistance 1000 fortify magic 1000 magic regeneration 1000 armor 50 resistance to heat 50 resistance to cold 25 resistance to shock. plus it would give a one day use ability called Fate any hostels in a 200m radius would be instantly killed. I know it's a bit OP but Dr.Fate is one powerfull dude plus there would be a female version. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130329191523/marvel_dc/images/thumb/b/b5/Doctor_Fate_Inza_Cramer_0002.jpg/500px-Doctor_Fate_Inza_Cramer_0002.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111120002/3643901-8942281273-helme.jpg Thank you for reading this post.
  2. http://orig12.deviantart.net/c4bd/f/2014/061/b/5/doctor_fate_young_justice_by_fateroid12-d78n8lo.jpg I was wondering if there was a modder who might have the free time to make this as a mod. It would just be a helmet and when you ware it you get this as armor. the helmet would give 1000 magic resistance 1000 fortify magic 1000 magic regeneration 1000 armor 50 resistance to heat 50 resistance to cold 25 resistance to shock. plus it would give a one day use ability called Fate any hostels in a 200m radius would be instantly killed. I know it's a bit OP but Dr.Fate is one powerfull dude plus there would be a female version. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130329191523/marvel_dc/images/thumb/b/b5/Doctor_Fate_Inza_Cramer_0002.jpg/500px-Doctor_Fate_Inza_Cramer_0002.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111120002/3643901-8942281273-helme.jpg Thank you for reading this post.
  3. no custom race , cbbe ,nope , and yeah quit and reload. :/
  4. Well just after becoming a werewolf you turn back to normal and it's like the body of all the male or female toons bodies have a negative texture all black like the choclate elves mod from oblivion ,but the hands feet and head stay normal. So yeah it's a bug that is annoying as heak.
  5. Only suggestion I can give is to turn the mod off save that game without the mod then turn it back on. If that don't work I rely don't know what to tell you.
  6. I was wondering if anyone had a fix for the choclate body bug from were wolf transformations ? If you have a fix or know a link could you please give it. Thanks alot :)
  7. Race Dragon rider At the start of the game your character starts with a dragon egg in his/her inventory. At Level 5 the egg hatchs and you have a baby dragon following you, now the dragon can't be attacked nore can it attack it's just a cute little guy following you. At Level 15 the dragon becomes full sized and can no longer go into interior buildings how ever you can call it when outside to help you in combat. At level 20 you can now ride the dragon. At level 30 you get a message say you and your dragon now fight as one, and you can now cast spells while riding the dragon. Now this is just an idea I wanted to get out there and hope someone far better at modding than me :wallbash: can give it a shot :confused:
  8. First let me say to you guys and gals you all make some awsome mods. Alright to my idea please don't laugh to hard. Race Dragon rider At the start of the game your character starts with a dragon egg in his/her inventory. At Level five the egg hatchs and you have a baby dragon following you now the dragon can't be attacked nore can it attack it's just a cute little guy following you. At Level 15 the dragon becomes full sized and can no longer go into interior buildings how ever you can call it when outside to help you in combat. At level 20 you can now ride the dragon. At level 30 you get a message say you and your dragon are one and you can now cast spells while riding the dragon. Now this is just an idea I wanted to get out there and hope someone far better at modding than me :wallbash: can give it a shot :confused:
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