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Everything posted by Deleted6015921User

  1. OK, so my Idea is to do something no one has thought of yet, Yes I checked nexus, unless its under a different name i didnt see quite the mod i was looking for. What I would like to make will be called (old DnD days lol) Heward's Handy Haversack. Im trying to set up a backpack, napsack looking equipable object, that when equiped/activated in inventory will open up the General Stores dialogue from the General Stores master chest. This would truly be the ultimate resource for pack rats like myself that try to get every thing they can. Though, i can't seem to get the script to run. Is this a script that has to be ran from a container? and if it is how would i be able to veiw and edit the script so that it would be able to be used from say a spell... Any help would be most appriciated. Thank you Dreamer Don
  2. I'm working on a custom companion mod. I want this character to be based loosely off the girl in the movie brave. Since I'm new to modding and the creation kit i have no idea where to start with one of the ideas i want to add. I want her companion quest to have two chapters, mainly first i want her to challenge the PC to an archery competition. I've got a feeling that this would require her setting up a custom scripted target... (like the basic straw dummy) then keeps track of how many head shots that the player and the companion get in a lotted amount of time. If player's "score" is higher than the companions score she then tells the player that he might just be what she is looking for and give the player a quest to kill a npc that has done her wrong. Any help would be most appriciated. because I'm not even for sure where to start with this. Thanks in advance Dreamer Don
  3. I'll be danged, the new steamapi.dll worked, thanks for the advice. Now, hopefully i won't have to change computers again and i can get to work on my mods.
  4. I recently posted a mod to the nexus based on mad templar's HQ thieves' guild overhaul. one of the downloaders brought up a FPS hit of 20 to 30 or more frames per second.the original mod does not have this fps hit. The only thing that my mod does is add in some General stores activators, a few floor tiles, and the ladders from the original guild. I didn't really mess with lighting except in one area where I set up a little display case with some of the loading screen statics. Is there any way to fix this, or does anyone have any idea why this FPS hit could be happening?
  5. Ok, there may be a simple fix to this that I'm not seeing but here's the deal. I loaded up Skyrim Redone. Beautiful mod love a lot of the things about it. My problem is even after breaking the 100 enchanting barrier I'm still left being able to only place two enchantments on an item. I decided I was going to try to correct this. I opened up creation kit and made 2 new perks. one added the ability to place 3 enchantments on an item at seventy percent its original strength and the other allowed four enchantments at total strength. Creation kit values are (mod # enchantments allowed 3.00 & and the enchantment strength is set up at multiply by .70 on the first perk and mod # of enchantments allowed 4.0) respectively. Problem is, when I load the game and try to play trough even after activating my new perks I'm still only able to place to enchantments on an item.... I'm unsure if there was a step that i was supposed to take that I didn't or what. and I've found that trying to find a you tube video or tutorial page on how to mess with this little parcel of information is VERY hard to find when I don't know what to type. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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