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Everything posted by martin1

  1. have you tried multiple quests with idles? I sont know if the reset times are independent of the number of quest references
  2. is it possible to have a chance of the aliens being killed or wounded from there ships being shot down (like the original game) In fact all the mod requests I see are things that were already implemented in the original game. *sigh* why cant they just make the original again with just better graphics and leave the core game alone... I have played many spawns of that game but they are jut not the same *sighs again*
  3. I couldn't agree more. To be honest this killed my immersion big time when the aliens would be spotted by the last move of your last soldier, then they would have a free turn to flank or cover even though a movie depicts them being "caught with there pants down" I want to land my massive loud ship and have the 20 nearby aliens actually notice it. I remember playing terror from the deep. I landed my ship at an abduction site at night time, my squad of 8 never even made it out of the landing craft. I miss that kind of punishment.
  4. what about other countries? In the original xcom you would get terror missions in New Zealand. how about adding some different countries into the game and maybe adding some other voices (all nations have american voices)
  5. I would like to be able to recapture countries by force. The aliens should have a base established in that country like the original xcom game. That would mean more than only 1 alien base mission per game which I think is crap.
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