NMM is, in its current state, like a windows RTM (release to manufacturing)... with less bugs. PLEASE DO NOT READ: Disclaimer: You agree to not have any thoughts of hamburgers and/or beverages of any sort if you choose of your own free will to continue to read what is written with a shaky finger below. On a serious note: What I feel would add to NMM in general usage is of more "make the convenience more convenient" sort of thing. ( I might have missed this feature, correct me if I've missed it) A more convenient way of tracking what mod was last installed would be as easy as to adding a 1, 2, 3 etc.. tag in the left margin rather then using the install date since the date isn't actually of that much of an importance when all you need is a quick reference to which mod installed before/after which. A feature that I would just love being implemented, if possible, is when you are having those "necessary" 200+ mods laying there tempting the hell out of you ( you all know what I am talking about... all those HD textures, 128k elven body texture, HAL9000 super scripted mods etc...) would be that you load your mods into a wizard and NMM is taking care of the rest by installing the mods in the correct order. I wouldn't expect anything to be the pink shiny button of all solutions, but for some future implementation that would make modding for beginners a Kama Sutra experience complimented with some Tantric moments... Just a couple of thoughts about NMM and what I think would make it more convenient for beginners/lazy users (NOT feeling guilty... NAHA!!) ... and... I made you read it all, didn't I... *face-palm* ... told you to not think of any burgers and/or beverages... lol, there you did it again... To the Nexus team: Bloody well done chaps and all the best of luck to your continued efforts of making life easier for the gamers, me included.