I watched Skill Up's review on YT and he recommended using a controller for driving rather than mouse and keyboard. You might already be on a console though. I'm not using console, but i will try to use a controller. I think the problem is not only in the sensitivity of the keys on the keyboard. There is also a problem with too much grip. While sliding, the car stops unnaturally quickly. There was something else wrong, but I can't remember now. I'll try to dig into the archives of the game myself. But it will take me too long to find something in this mess. It seems to be a matter of a few variables that need to be changed. But, as usual, things won't be that easy. In the end, it is unlikely that something will work out because I do not know what I am doing, but I can no longer stand it and I need to do something about it. I hope someone more skillful will end my suffering faster than I can deal with it myself.