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About gastergaster

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. California Games for the NES. To this day, I still don't know how any of the controls work as it doesn't tell you in the game, and we didn't have a manual. This didn't stop us from playing the absolute hell out of this game just button mashing during every sport to see if we could get any points. Music is still stellar in my opinion! A lot of NES music holds up pretty well.
  2. Heya, I'm aware there are a few playable ghoul mods, but none of the ones I have tried have allowed me to edit my ghoulita beyond her having a basic ghoul face, such as putting on makeup or scars. I'd like to be able to take my current character who I am roleplaying with and change her texture to that of a ghoul, while removing the nose. Is there such a way to do that? (Hancock made a comment, "If we could just find a way to turn you into a ghoul, we could do this thing longterm!" which gave me this idea.) I don't care about rad resistance, dialogue, voice, or anything. Just a purely cosmetic mod. I'm new to modding but I feel like if pointed in the right direction, I could perhaps figure out how to do this for myself in my game, if maybe there is a program like bodyslide to make preset faces outside of the game that I'm not aware of. Thanks very much, -Wendy
  3. This has happened to me several times now, and was curious as to if anyone else has experienced this glitch. When I load my game (playing on PC), no matter which save I choose, my character is stuck to the ground on her tippy-toes and cannot move. I can't jump, I can fast-travel although when I arrive at the destination I'm still doing a ballerina impression. I can look around, zoom out, draw my weapon and interact with things that are in reach, but no moving. I tried a few console commands such as tcl but remained stuck. The only solution I've found is turning the game on and off a few times and then I can move again, from the same save files where I previously couldn't. It's really frustrating as I don't know when I turn my game on if I'm going to have to fiddle with it for a while! Googling didn't bring up anything similar to what I'm experiencing, so I don't know if this is something I'm doing to cause this glitch or if it's just...one of those things that happens when you play a Bethesda game. :confused: Anyone else dealt with this? Thanks, -Wendy
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