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Everything posted by dmgdmind

  1. @wax2k Sorry about that, here you go EDIT: Welp, I feel dumber than a bag of rocks. I was rereading your CTD section and it finally clicked that the section on the falloutcustom.ini was in a different fallout 4 folder than my steam folder. I had changed the fallout4.ini and falloutpref.ini files in my steam fallout 4 folder because I thought that was what you were supposed to do if you had steam. And since it had worked on other mods I had never thought to question it. I am not a smart man. Anyway, now that I'm sufficiently embarassed, thank you for your help. This is a great thread you started
  2. I've been trying to get my game working using your guide but I'm having trouble and wondering what is going on. The mods/files I'm trying to use are (in this load order): SettlementKeywords Robot Home Defence Homemaker OCDispenser OCDecorator Homemaker - SK integration Patch Homemaker - Streetlights use passive power Robot Home Defence - Settlement Keywords MoreSpawns_High Settlement Raiding Mod MortalSettlers Shellrain Armorsmith Extended I CTD every time I try to open the settlement building menu. I tried uninstalling everything but OCDispenser/Decorator and Settlement Keywords to see if it was working, but that CTDs when I move to the crafting category in settlement building. I tried doing the same thing with Homemaker, but that CTDs on opening the settlement buidling menu. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both, and using both the SK and non SK versions but have had the same results. I previously had all mods aside from Armorsmith, OCDecorator/Dispensor, Homemaker, and Settlement Keywords running with SSEX, but I couldn't get OCDecorator to run with it so I started trying to figure out how to get it working and saw that Homemaker was supposed to be more stable. I'm not very technically adept, so I'm at a loss here. I'm using NMM to work with it all, so I have that going for me, and as you can see above I tried to move around the load order to match your example. I don't need all these mods, bare minimum I will use to achieve my game plans are Mortal Settlers, Settlement Raiding Mod, OCDispenser/Decorator, and Robot Home Defence. I'd really like to use the others too, but I don't know if that's possible. Are you able to help? Have any suggestions? Thank you for your time.
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