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Everything posted by runethrash

  1. hey abramul you got any idea if there are daedric throwing stars iv noticed the daedric range on weaponary has everything but has anyone found them
  2. dont see what the fuss is about to be honest its a habit sorry
  3. hey no offece mate but u missed 1 the lords mail can be found west of ebonheart in an under water cave u also missed daedric god helm wich can be found in a tomb near tel branor ul find maze with skeletons in it and a locked tomb door enter and ull find a boat with the corpse of a viking king as soon as u enter the door look up at the celing ull c some rocks with a hole in them levatate up to find the daedric god helm if anyone finds this please rite bak 2 me it took me ages to discover this and id likwe 2 know if other peopple managed to find it runethrash*
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