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Status Updates posted by minc3meat

  1. Got my new motherboard! :DD
  2. My motherboard died :cc
  3. I NEEEEEEED more quest modsss
  4. So excited for Far Harbor xD
  5. Back in the US again XD
  6. I had such a bad dream last night... and remembered it? D:
  8. Ughh, never sleep until noon... I feel like a corpse
  9. Wake me up when they give us a F4 patch that DOESN'T disable the data selector
  10. Struggling to feel unsympathetic about current events
  11. Exhausted but not?
  12. Too cold, too hot. Weather needs to get off the fence
  13. Netflix and all by yourself
  14. Holding out on cranking up the thermostat
  15. Felicity Smoak is bae
  16. Hot Pockets: Burning my mouth since 1999
  17. It's 1AM and the memes are on the prowl
  18. 'Emperor's New Clothes' is.. Interesting.
  19. The Arrow is such an awful show... *watches three seasons*
  20. Disable V-sync = gift of life
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