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  1. I investigated this and thought I'd share my findings. For me, the culprit was anything patching JK's College of Winterhold and Immersive College of Winterhold. Any patch from "JK's College of Winterhold (Immersive and Obscure) Combo Patches" page the JK's and ICOW patch from "The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection". Unsure why and whether people posting on reddit/gamefaqs from 5+ years ago had the same cause but it's definitively the cause for me, for now at least. A reddit user said that setting the iMaxDesired (under "particles" in SkyrimPrefs.ini file) to 6000-9000 (or assuming higher) helped them. They had to change the SkyrimPrefs.ini file on a separate profile for that character created by MO2. I created a new profile on Vortex for testing with all mods disabled and added groups of mods until I found the culprit group. And then narrowed it down by disabling mods from that group until I found the offender. If you don't use those patches/mods but still have the issue, try this method of narrowing down the culprit.
  2. I investigated this and thought I'd share my findings. For me, the culprit was anything patching JK's College of Winterhold and Immersive College of Winterhold. Any patch from "JK's College of Winterhold (Immersive and Obscure) Combo Patches" page the JK's and ICOW patch from "The Great City of Winterhold Patch Collection". Unsure why and whether people posting on reddit/gamefaqs from 5+ years ago had the same cause but it's definitively the cause for me, for now at least. A reddit user said that setting the iMaxDesired (under "particles" in SkyrimPrefs.ini file) to 6000-9000 (or assuming higher) helped them. They had to change the SkyrimPrefs.ini file on a separate profile for that character created by MO2. I created a new profile on Vortex for testing with all mods disabled and added groups of mods until I found the culprit group. And then narrowed it down by disabling mods from that group until I found the offender. If you don't use those patches/mods but still have the issue, try this method of narrowing down the culprit.
  3. Hey, just wanted to respond to this in case you haven't figured it out still: "Would mind at least teaching me how to change vampire lord's blood bomb damage amount manually? I have seen mods that allow weapons deal 9000 damage" You gotta get xEdit (SSEEdit for Skyrim SE) and learn how to tinker with it a bit. There are some links you might find useful: https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:XEdit https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2660673605 Video: YouTube "How To Use xEdit by GamerPoets" and find the playlist (some info may be outdated but still useful) Be very careful with this as it's easy to mess things up otherwise. After you have properly installed and setup SSEEdit, Open SSEEdit. Then find and expand the records for "Dawnguard" (should be near the top in the list) -> find and expand the records for 'Spell" -> find the following spells (helps if you sort the list by "name" by clicking on the header at the top): Name: Vampiric Drain There are 5 versions of this spell, distinguished by their FormID and EditorID. VERY IMPORTANT: FormIDs: 02019324 02019326 02019ad5 02019ad6 02019ad7 They should have the following corresponding EditorIDs: EditorIDs: DLC1VampireDrain05Alt DLC1VampireDrain06Alt DLC1VampireDrain07Alt DLC1VampireDrain08Alt DLC1VampireDrain09Alt Click on each of them. Take a screenshot of everything before you make any changes so you can change it back later if you want to. Then on the right pane, scroll down to 'Effect #3", look at "Magnitude". That's how much damage the spell does. Change it to whatever you want. Effect #0, #1 and #2 are for Absorb Health, Absorb Magicka and Absorb Stamina respectively. Make a note of what you changed so you can revert the values back to their default ones if you decide to later. Close xEdit and be sure to save the changes. You can check the "backup plugin" option as well if you want another way to be able to restore it later, or just leave it blank if you find it easier to do it manually. If that's too complex to follow or you are unsure, it's best to avoid it and just rely on mods to buff your damage. If you accidentally mess something up and can't remember what you changed or what the original value was, open Steam and 'verify ingerity of the game files' to get the original version of the Dawnguard plugin back. Good luck
  4. Hey Arman, love your enthusiasm for Vampirism (though, I would disagree that you love vampires more than anyone else :P). As a vampire enthusiast and long-term roleplayer myself, I wanted to offer some thoughts on your post. Firstly, I agree that we would benefit from mods that allow the player character to have sleeping animations for coffins. It would certainly increase immersion. The mod 'Go To Bed' (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4224) lets players lie down on beds before sleeping. I'm not sure if coffins are included but it may be worth looking into in case you haven't. And it would be fun to have more well-designed vampire themed castles. However, in case you were unaware, there are a couple of mods that already fulfill what you are asking for (at least to some extent): - Raven Castle SSE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12300) - adds an entirely new worldspace in addition to a massive castle. The only issue is that the SE port hasn't been updated to match the latest LE version so some of the cool extra events (ballroom event & defending the castle from Werewolves) don't work properly like they do in the LE version. The LE author has no plans to port it to SE and the SE uploader has stopped modding. So while the mod is functional, the SE version is missing out on some cool features. Perhaps the focus could be to find someone reliable to port the latest LE update to SE. Either way, you may wish to check it out if you haven't already. - Lawbringer - Guardsman (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67003), an extension of the original Lawbringer mod, allows the player character to claim different enemy locations across Skyrim for various factions with the Volkihar Vampires being one of them. Among them is Forebears' Holdout. While it doesn't make any changes to the space as far as I'm aware, it would likely allow the player to use it as a 'rest-stop' (or even a base depending on your needs), with friendly Volkihar Vampires occupying it. Regarding vampire quests - that's something I feel we definitely need more of in Skyrim (ones that DON'T just focus on Serana, but flesh out other vampires and themes). Old Blood (and Old Blood Scripts Fix) extend the vampire storyline after Dawnguard and is of good quality but we could definitely use more. Well written, quality voiced vampire-themed quest mods are lacking in Skyrim, partly because quest mods are harder to make in general. I would love a vampire quest mod that's in the same tier as mods like Sirenroot, Project AHO, Forgotten City and Beyond Skyrim Bruma. I'm afraid I heavily disagree with your points on Castle Volkihar. I don't think vampire castles necessarily have to be on mountains and Castle Volkihar's location is great. There are vampire castles or strongholds in plenty of media that aren't atop high mountains. Castle Volkihar's location suits the theme and makes sense lorewise - it's in a remote area away from civilisation so the vampires don't have to worry about people. People are generally afraid to go near because they fear the area is cursed (the boatmen say this if you ask them to give you a ride to the castle). Also with all the advanced magic they have access to at the Castle (Feran Sadri's quote) and the ability to conjure storms in Elder Scrolls Lore (e.g. Skaal tribe on Solstheim, Psijic Order, Harrowstorms in ESO), it's not a stretch to think that the Volkihar Vampires can do the same to defend themselves (or learn to) if they need to deter enemies from approaching. They can also use Illusion magic to hide it from view and there's already a thick mist obscuring the area. That's my headcanon. Harkon's court have successfully stayed hidden and survived for literal ages at the Castle. Vampires are quick travellers both in Elder Scrolls Lore (Vampire Lords gliding, bat travel if you consider ESO's Greymoor) and in other literature (e.g. "the dead travel fast" quote from Dracula, vampires 'flitting' in the Darren Shan novels), so getting to civilisation for the Volkihar when they want to shouldn't be an issue. I don't think Castle Volkihar should be moved at all and it would be a terrible idea to try. Making castle mods on mountains could be cool though but I think if anything, it's worth focusing on having Raven Castle updated first. Hope you are well.
  5. I was wondering if it would be possible to make a mod to allow Vampire Lords to access spells added from spellpack mods WITHOUT overhauling the vampire or making any other changes. I feel like with all the cool spell mods out there, for vampires, the spells accessible in regular form seem to end up more spectacular looking than the the Vampire Lord spells, which feels counter-intuitive. The mod would just to allow the vanilla Vampire Lord access to the spell packs. I know BV has a feature that allows this but I'm referring to a mod that doesn't overhaul or change anything else about the vampire/VL. Would be great if someone could consider making such a mod or know someone who might.
  6. Hi :) I came across a fantastic mod recently that was released in 2017 that lets Serana transform into a Vampire Lord in combat under certain conditions called "Vampire Lord Serana". It works really well and seems to have way fewer bug reports than a similar mod (Serana Secret) released in 2012, which the author seems to have stopped updating a long time ago. The main difference is with, Vampire Lord Serana, Serana chooses to transform in and out of Vampire Lord form regardless of whether the player character is transformed or not, whereas with Secret Serena, she turns according to the player. The author of Vampire Lord Serana is not supporting the mod or making changes to it but has given permission to anyone who wishes to adjust it to do so, on condition they are given credit. I was wondering if anyone out there would be willing and able to add an optional feature to Vampire Lord Serana (the more recent mod) that causes her to transform into Lord form and stay in it if the player does so as well without her turning back to 'normal form' once combat ends, keeping literally everything else the same and not breaking anything. The mod is so fun and one of my favourites but I just wish it was a little more customisable. I use it in combination with Queen of the Damned Deadlier Serana so she uses the Vampire Lord spells from there and together they make Serana one scary Vampire! So I'm not asking to add extra Vampire Lord spells to the mod (like Serana Secret does) since I already have that from QotD. I still play the Legendary Edition so am primarily hoping for tweaks to that, but also SE for those who play it. The links to the LE and SE versions are below: LE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84602 SE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10105 Have a great day!
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