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About ferppo

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  1. After years of playing FO4, I have an annoying error that I have never seen before. All humans, from the main character to NPCs, do not drop when killed. That ruins the whole game. All corpses remain in the last position when they die, as if they were frozen by Harry Potter's magic wand. Launch the game several times, uninstall mods, etc. Nothing works. Any clue? Thanks in advance.
  2. One of them was "Sanctuary" (talk to Preston, accept help, build defenses, food, etc, talk to Sturges an so on). I find the ID and name of the quest in the wiki...but the quest never start , no matter the command I use. Finally I use "completequest" and yes it works (but not what I want). The other quest is part of "Fourville" quest mod, "The husting". Same story, disappear from Pipboy and never start. In this case I use FO4E to find the damn name and ID, but saddly "completequest" do nothing. Showed as "dormant" too. I practically restart the game, Sanctuary mission was bugged again. I'm not enter in Fourville yet , so I prepared for the worst.
  3. Hi, crew! I had one or two quest bugged, that showed no response to any command (start/reset/complete...etc). Only thing I got with "sqt" command is those quest are "dormant". I dunno how to activate them,I think the trigger event needed never happen but dunno how to console it... so, any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  4. BigBizkit, Pickysaurus: thanks a lot, friends! For now the Ctrl+F5 works fine. Thanks again for the support!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. Well, I discover a solution, for some reason in my pc I must "open in a new window" to see the correct login page, same to download. I have no idea what cause that in any kind of browser I got (haven't got firewall or antivirus) but I very happy about solve it and not waste 5 years of fun in nexusmod, ufff...
  6. I got similar issue. I can log in Opera with my account, but in Chrome or IE the "sing in" window not show the button to complete the action. And today I discover even logged on I can't download anything.
  7. I try clean the mods with FO4Edit as best I could (repair conflicts), but nothin is fixed. The news miniguns of Modern Firearms not work same as the vanilla miniguns. Shotgun (2 barrel) chambered for de 500 nitro was shot well, but 20, 12 and 10, nop.
  8. Hi, friends. Suddenly, turrets, miniguns and shotguns stopping make damage. When I shot or recieve fire from this weapons, nothing happens. I observed the guns make noise but not show the fire in the muzzle. Saddly, I don't know when this bug start so I can't load a save game to try continue the game (without loss to much of my progress) The typical exit of the game and return loading a hard save doesn't work. Thanks in advance for any help.
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