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Everything posted by MaximumPony

  1. They keep saying that they ran polls and such but I promise you they only ran polls for folks who frequent the forums. I've been browsing mods for years and never once saw a single poll or feedback for this kinda s#*!. A lot of folks don't touch the forums, and a lot of them remain on their game pages. They polled a small amount of folks who live in the forums while a lot of folks who just come here for mods are now gonna have to deal with this ugly ass UI.
  2. Anyway we can change it back? I get some folks care for it but legit this view is so ugly after being used to the old one for years. At least give folks who want the classic view back.
  3. So I completed dead money and all and I got to the final slide in the credits scene and it does not seem to want to end that slide. It just sits there after the "It's letting go" line is played. Any idea on what could be causing this? I also tried using enableplayercontrols to see if it would help anything and it keeps my character stuck in place.
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